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HEY GUYS!!!!! THIS MOVIE WAS RANDOMLY PICKED FOR THE 100 PATRON SPECIAL! This was done a month ago but I wanted to post on the 5th of November for a reason LMAO.

Sadly.... I recorded my analysis which I somehow LOST 😭😭😭😭 I don't know where I put the file and I tried my hardest to find it and couldn't :/

I hope you guys aren't that mad because from my analytics, not a lot of people watch it 😔so it's not that big of a deal??? I'm so sorry guys :(
ALSO, no 3, 2, 1, countdown because this was done a whillllleeeeeee ago so :)
NOTE: I watched this on HBO Max streaming service, so if you have that you can sync it up with that :)

Overall, I hope you guys enjoy❤


V for Vendetta | Full Length Reaction


Ryan Anderson

Hugo Weaving (The voice of V) just owns this movie. I love Natalie Portman, and she's great in this, but Hugo just commands every scene he is in

Ryan Anderson

Also, for reference, Gordon was referring to the fact that he is gay when he was talking to Evie. Homosexuality is outlawed in the England of this story


oh man what a great pick for the 5th! gooood stuff


The movie is fantastic and in 2020 even more scary then it was in 2005...


Amazing movie, not maybe that great in fight scenes. But the message and idea + story how it was shown to viewer was great. Another movie you cried again...

Mark Ten

I love how in the crowd scene at the end you see everyone who dies earlier in the picture. Even the dead are still there at the climax

Tiger Chu

If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend Hot Fuzz

Groucho Barx

As a patron form the UK, Scotland to be more specific, the climax made a lot of folk...pretty happy. I think we have a less strong attachment to parliament, hell even more so in Scotland. =P


i lokk forward to watching the movie along side this reaction and i'll comment after! love these exclusives




I have seen it a long time ago unfortunately :( but thank you for the recommendation!


I LOVED the dialogue in this film, as well as the acting - one of my favorites just because of that. :)


YES I TOTALLY AGREE. It blew my MIND when I looked up who was the actor behind the voice for V and it just made me appreciate the movie that much more!!

Joel Harrison

Here to plug the graphic novel lol I'm a bit of an elitist when it comes to the book version of the media in question lol, great review of one of my favorite movies :D


The thoughts are free! - Die Gedanken sind frei! This old german Folk song has after 200 Years proven that it is truly timeless! English Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j02NuMIMc0 German Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYm3KghuuIc

christopher brown

you should watch Leon the professional also staring Natalie Portman As a someone from the UK I liked the ending