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Episode 10 finally here!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I have two movies coming out soon and Whisper of the heart should be out next week! Sorry for the delay! One of them is a spoopy movie so expect it REAL soon ;) 


Cowboy Bebop | Episode 10



Did I miss Episode 09?


Also, I'm excited for Episode 11! It's my favorite bounty head of them all~

Michael Greico

How does the series not even have 30 episodes? You'll see why. It doesnt need any more. It is perfect at 26. Once you finish episode 26 remember this one word......BANG.


A double drop! More of this please ;)

David C

Back to the feels. I get Jet on that one, I'd love answers too but it's not something you can always get and eventually you need to move on. I know we're not even halfway through but I'll be sad when this is done as it's such a great series which happened to be the perfect length at 26 episodes. There's always the movie too afterwards!


Yes and I can't wait :) ugh I love how emotionally invested the series has been getting me but... I hate being sad LOL

Ruben Lopez

Just joined patreon just for this show lol were getting close to my favorite episodes 12 and 13. can't wait for the reactions.


Sorry for the delay Ruben! I had a crazy midterm but it's coming VERY soon :))


Broke your heart because it was a loving relationship he was forced to throw back into that river!


this one hit me realy hard ... so much life exp ... them tears that leave a mark .. "gess that just leaves hope and optimism to go by".. the stuff that fades in time .. ... oh well .. just keep on trucking ... the only way to get more life exp ... and maby it will all work out in the end..