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Hey guys! Hope you're having a wonderful night! I hope it's even BETTER with the SEASON 1 FINALE of BCS though :)) Wow we already finished season 1... still feel like I just finished Breaking Bad too😭




Ive been craving some more BCS

Lorenzo Baxter

I think you misunderstood the ending a little. Yes, Jimmy wants to do his own thing, but this wasn't him walking a moral path. It was him walking away from it. Wearing his friends ring, singing Smoke on The Water, he's embracing that life. These are the beginnings of his transformation into Saul Goodman.

Josiah Kane

I have watched a lot of reactions to this episode. I have never watched someone unintentionally smear chocolate all over their hands and face while Jimmy explains a Chicago sunroof. That was hysterical lmao


"He's not going to scam anymore". "He got the scamming out of his system" Granted, it is an amazing series and easily stands on it's own, but I feel you forgot who Jimmy is in Breaking Bad.


Oh yes, and a quick quote from Breaking Bad that applies to this episode. Saul talking to Walt: "I once convinced a woman I was Kevin Costner and it worked, because I believed it!"

Javier Ruiz-Leon Jr.

The best part is when you were eating chocolate while learning what a Chicago Sunroof is!

Tim Martin

Damn this show is so good. The entire BB/BCS universe. Saul says to Walt “I once convinced a woman I was Kevin Costner - and it worked, because ‘I’ believed it”. Marco telling Jimmy he should be king of the desert…driving around in a white caddy. Good call, Marco


Without digging into it too much, even in season one, you can see that Chuck is a massive presence over both Jimmy AND Howard. Despite being brother and peer respectively, Chuck really comes across as a father to both. And then once you realize Jimmy and Howard are spiritually brothers, the nuances of their relationship starts to clear up.

Jorge Hernandez

You nailed it describing Saul & Marco's relationship. The commentary has been top tier so don't hold anything back.


In Breaking Bad Saul tells Walt one time that he convinced a woman he was Kevin Costner 🤣


I'm sorry but that "Oh no I'm so embarrassed" was so freaking adorable 😭

Philip Isley

One thing to note… the use of the Kennedy Half Dollar story about facing east towards the past or west towards the future/new-frontier… You can see it represented in the shot at the end with Jimmy facing east, and then turning back towards his true destiny.

neez duts

it really does show that jimmy is reeeeally trying to be a good guy, playing by the book, but Chuck only wants to keep him where he is!


I'm not gonna make fun of you for not remembering, that Chuck can't call Jimmy. That chocolate on your chin though... :D

Joe Blankenship

Getting screwed over by Chuck and Marco dying... the seeds of Saul Goodman have been planted.


I was hoping that you don;t notice the chocolate for rest of the reaction :D, lol That was a greating ending, i think jimmy meant that "doing the right thing" is not stop him to get some moneys anymore. Waiting for S2 now!

Edward Garrity

Howard never wanted to be Jimmy's enemy. He actually really liked him.

Edward Garrity

maybe the worst moment to eat a chocolate bar of all time lol

Edward Garrity

Even though the show is a lot like Breaking Bad, in a way it's almost the opposite. "Breaking Good" would've been a suitable title, for season 1 anyway. Where Breaking Bad followed a man suddenly turning to a life of crime and his morals slowly degrading, Better Call Saul follows a scam artist criminal genuinely trying to walk the straight and narrow with the whole world seemingly against it.


It's been super cool to watch season 1 with you in this digital, synced-up kind of way. Like a virtual friend of sorts to give me a reason to re-binge this amazing series. Looking forward to your impressions on Season 2 and beyond. Cheers.


Jimmy continued to wear Marco's ring throughout Breaking Bad too. This is just one example of the writers adding to depth to something that was originally insignificant. I am sad to see your already through the first season but excited for the five to come. This show is a slow burner throughout but it is masterful in it's details.

Loli Doudida

Did you notice that the woman who tells him "You're not Kevin Costner" is a reference to an episode of Breaking Bad in which Saul tells a story about one day pretending to be Kevin Costner?


I think Jimmy RESPECTS the Dark Side. :D We've seen time and time again that Jimmy has a conscience, and it always nags at him. We see him struggle constantly with his dubious decisions all season long. We can't accuse him of being REAL evil, and I think that's the whole idea of the show. Everything is a shade of gray. Everyone is gray in Better Call Saul. Chuck is gray because he simultaneously wants to sponsor his kid brother's growth while keeping him at long-arms reach in the professional association field. Hamlin cares only for his own image while (arguably) genuinely enjoys seeing his underling's success. In this episode we mix the black of sorrow of Marco's passiing with the white of 'it was the best week of this nobody's entire life'. Kim though.. Kim is a Real friend, as we've seen. She stands up for him in private in Hamlin's office. She's just adventurous enough with Jimmy to entertain some out-of-the-blue interactions or favors. This episode had me emotional the entire time. Been a while since I've watched the show, and I remembered that Marco passes away during this episode. So all show-long I'm reflecting on how Slippin' Jimmy comes back and gives this poor going-nowhere best friend the week of a lifetime doing the greatest thing he's ever known, doing the Art with his best bud, probably for the biggest cash haul he's ever done. It was kind of beautiful though. He could've passed with a smile on his face doing what he loved best. One could argue that's what he came into the world to do - take the town and feel like a complete King, with the best wingman ever. Better than a movie. That's why - while I feel sad about his passing, it feels like a happy ending for the poor guy, you know?