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Hello wonderful Patrons 😊

I've just completed Elora's RO and friendship scenes and all that's left is to write Oren's scene. I'm taking a break from writing today - I've been writing non-stop from Sunday and while I am in a good flow of getting scenes out, I'm also feeling a little tired and the looming burnout that comes from writing too long and too much.

I'll be getting back to Oren's scene tomorrow - which I likely will complete tomorrow or Saturday - his and Elora's scenes aren't as complicated as Irus' since they don't have any lock-in moments as yet.

For now, here is a sneak-peek of Elora's scene and choices. Mind you, choosing not to pursue anything does not end the relationship per se, but it does deduct romance points with her. You'll officially get to end things with her during the lock-in moments - if you're romancing Irus, and locked in your romance with him, you will still be free to flirt with the other ROs, but you will not get the chance to lock-in a romance with them.

There will be an option to smooch Elora or cuddle with her (depending on the MC's preference) later in this scene and learn a bit more about her father's death. So, fun bonding times 😂

Also, for those curious, the word count now sits around 227 084 words 👀 I'm really worried that I might not finish the chapter in time for the end of the month - if that happens, I'll likely post what I do have written and then make another update in January with the rest of the chapter. But I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I'll manage to finish off the chapter by the end of December. 

Once the RO scenes are done - it's mostly linear until the end of the chapter (where it'll be more RO scenes) and ends at arriving at Vinia - there was going to be more, but the pacing and plot of the way it was set up didn't make sense. So you'll get to see more of Ishari and Anu in Chapter 5 if all goes to plan 😅 It feels like 9 chapters aren't nearly enough to tell the entire story so I might end up going to 10 - 12 chapters (probably 12 because I do like each part being 3 chapters long). I'll keep you all posted on any changes 😊 For now, enjoy a bit of Elora while I take a break.


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