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Hello Patrons!

It's almost halfway through December and it feels like only yesterday that I started Crown of Exile.

This week has been quite productive in terms of writing. I code as I write, so it usually helps speed things up. I've been busy with the family scenes (the early scenes of chapter 4 are complete as well). So far, the chapter is around 16 290 words long and there's still the scene with Siduri (MC's granny) to complete which I hope to finish today. The family scenes took longer than I thought it would because each scene has four passages and each of those passages has dialogue options so the number of variations that I had to write took a while to complete.

Once I'm done with Siduri's scene, it's just the RO/friend scenes left - especially for MCs who shared a kiss with their chosen RO. There'll be a chance to discuss the implications of that. I hope to start RO scenes this coming week and should be done with them by the end of the week. Once that's complete, it's going to be a ship scene - the MC and Irus will be leaving Vinia one way or the other (in this case, via a ship). I'll share more with you regarding that without spoiling too much once I start writing it 😋 Don't worry if you think you're not going to see Oren or Elora - you will. It'll just happen later in the chapter.

There's a lot of angst planned for Part 2 (not so much romance-wise but definitely revelations with family-wise) and I cannot wait to share it with you all 💖

Thank you for supporting me and being so kind and patient!



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