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Hello, everyone!

Before getting into the details of what all got done this week, after handling dozens of private messages and comments asking about old video links being dead, I have finally taken it upon myself to go through all of the existing Patreon videos and update their links to the new Films page, along with instructions on how to choose the correct resolution your Patronage (and the uploaded video) allows. If I missed any, please don't hesitate to send me a link to them so I can fix them.

With that out of the way, my week has predominantly been focused on the late Mass Effect Legendary Edition video. I've gotten 7 of the 8 sex animations finished (with one of them changed after deciding I didn't like the particular balance that the storyboard had), and both OolayTiger and BordeauxBlack have already gotten their non-sex audio recorded and sent to me, as Miranda and Femshep respectively.

I was hoping to get all 8 animations done and sent out tonight, but that didn't happen. I am hoping to have them out by Monday at the latest, though ideally it'll be earlier - I am only aiming for Monday because I am getting my first Covid shot tomorrow, and the side-effects range from "nothing at all" to "kick your ass for 3 days." I am preparing for the worst-case scenario, though hoping for the best-case.

That's really where all of my measurable efforts have gone this week. Everything has been high-level, abstract brainstorming for a lot of potential future projects. The only one of those remotely presentable is Overbreed. I think I've mentioned it has entered a third revision.

I have decided to attach the current WIP statuses of both Overbreed's current map, and the current Witcher project storyboard. The storyboard is fully posed and mentally planned out, but there's huge chunks of narrative missing. But I haven't touched it in weeks now, and I spent weeks to get it this far, so I figured fuck it, I'll share what I have here. They're both attached to the bottom of this post.

I have no idea when I'd get around to even finishing the storyboard for this 9-chapter behemoth, let alone actually animating it. But it's something I am keeping on a low shelf for easy access, if my schedule ever clears up.

And then finally, my texture artist has finished up his uni exams, and has resumed work on Jack. The images shown are old, but apparently I don't have any of the newer ones he sent me. She's turning out great, though. Once she's in the final stretch of production, I plan to finally kick up BSE4 preproduction. So keep your ear to the ground in the coming weeks for rumbles of that. First order of business is writing a new screenplay draft.

My plans for 2021 are pretty much shot. I had a simple plan: Rachaos, Overbreed, and Unity games. We're now just shy of halfway through the year, and Rachaos isn't even remotely close to finished. I've given up all hope of finally working on some of these game design experiments I've had written down since 2016 this year. And honestly at this rate, I don't think Overbreed is going to get done this year either.

To be perfectly honest, I'm feeling pessimistic that even Rachaos will be finished this year. And the worst part is there isn't even any technical reason for it. It just keeps getting sidelined. The DVa comic took 2 months, now this ME project is taking 2 weeks, then brainstorming and storyboarding ends up taking up days that could be spent working on it.

It sucks, especially since I want to work on the damn project. It's just other things pop up demanding my attention.

Even if progress on Rachaos is slow, I hope people at least understand that I am working on things. Always working on things. And even the things I end up discussing and sharing here are a small part of everything that I work on. Most of those things I work on are either not worth sharing here - such as stuff I post publicly on Twitter, EG model-work like the complete overhaul of the DOAFantasy characters, or the new DazV5.5 upgrade and backlog of moving DazV5 characters up to it - or are things that aren't in any presentable state. Like "not even formally written down", existing just as a sprawling myriad of Discord and Steam conversations with half a dozen people spanning weeks.

All things willing, the belated "woo Legendary Edition released" celebratory Mass Effect video will be ready before the end of the month. Which, for those keeping track, will be three full-content releases released during Rachaos' production. And two of those were started during Rachaos' production.

Oh well. I'll keep on keeping on. That's all for now.

It's 330am and I am fucking tired. I'm going to go pass out now.




As always thanks for the update!


If the new BSE4 screenplay draft doesn't involve Jack getting DAP'd, or at least DP'd, by those Krogan, I will be very peeved! Miranda can fit a whole Elcor. You can't expect Jack not to get competitive about it.


Don't worry my friend, Jack is nothing if not creative when it comes to ways to best utilize Krogan organ duplicity. And since the penis is an organ, and quads are literally canon in Mass Effect... ;)


Good to hear, man. Rachaos lives! I'm a constant supporter of improving Rachel's sex life as a rule. The ME LE project looks good and the D.Va comic is fun. Good stuff all around. Glad the older stuff got re-archived, too. I found your work looking for Queen Nualia so having that material kept in current links is worthwhile.