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Hello, everyone!

No news on the Rachaos front, but as the video for this post might give away, I have something else in the oven!

As you all likely know, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out this week. I wanted to make a quick Mass Effect project to celebrate it, but I unfortunately spent most of the past week just spinning my wheels trying to come up with a good project.

By the time I came up with something I was satisfied with, it was already Tuesday - there was simply no way to get it done by Thursday! BUT! The project is still underway, and I am hoping to get it done before the end of the month.

You may notice that this is a Misc Bin-tier progress report, rather than the usual Progress Report-tier... progress report. And that is for good reason: as is tradition when  it comes to me starting a new project, I am sharing the full screenplay with you all!

What more, I am sharing the full casting page I've put together for it. I have the voices for both Femshep and Miranda soft-cast, though I am going to withhold their names until I get a firm, official confirmation by way of their payment details. They both voiced interest in the project, but I'd just rather be certain.

You can read the project synopsis, examine the storyboard, see some WIP animations, and read the full screenplay by clicking here. 

This should be a very brief excursion. And unlike the last time I said that, with the "oh this DVa comic will only take me 5 days", I have an actual screenplay (and storyboard!) to reign me in. So there should be no "5-day project turns into 2-month project" here. I already have a third of the animations done, and I am planning to get the rest of them hammered out this week. Hopefully audio will be coming in throughout the week, meaning I will only need another week at most to get everything finalized.

So, ideally, I am looking at 2 weeks of production time. Which would put us squarely at the end of the month.

Rachaos keeps getting paused and I apologize for that, but I think most of you will agree that a Mass Effect project in the wake of the Legendary Edition's release is a justifiable excursion. Especially a project as small as this.

Oh, and as a quick aside, I did some sleuthing to find a new video host for Patreon videos. It turns out that Patreon uses Embed.ly for their video embeds, and Embed.ly lists all of the sites that support them. Imgur is one of them, and Imgur supports videos. So I will be using Imgur for video embeds now. Arguably works better than Gfycat or Redgifs ever did, since Imgur's compression isn't nearly as garbage.

That's all for now!



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Thanks for the update!


I never liked FemShep. Never had any fascination with her. Then again, I don't like Lady Dimutrescu, or what her name is, either. So maybe I'm just a pleb. But I always enjoy watching Miranda take a good ass pounding.


Always glad to see you doing Mass Effect stuff.