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Hello, everyone!

Got a few things to share with you all today! First and foremost, though, the preview picture! No, that's not a website made in mid-2003! That's a website made in late 2018! Scary, I know!

More specifically, I have started putting together a web-page dedicated to Blue Star. It is highly work-in-progress right now, but it is fully functional. As of publishing, it has a full bio for the Director, as well as full season synopses for Seasons 1 and 2; a film synopsis for the first Blue Star film "season 1.5", Relentless; and full episode synopses for episodes 1 through 5.

As one can probably imagine, this web-page is highly spoiler-filled! This is sort of an unofficial Bible, or a locked-down wiki, for my Blue Star works. It's going to take me a very long time to get through all of the story I have written. This page is an open publication of that story, for those who are interested in it and don't want to wait until their grandchildren are in college to finally see the story's conclusion.

So, feel free to read about the series and the story, and read the Season 1 synopsis and the synopses for Episodes 1 and 2. Anything after that is spoiler-ific, so you read at your own expense.

I will be pushing updates to the page with every WIP update until it's done. When the page is formally done, it will be moved out of the gibberish folder it's in right now, and made publicly available. I will make a public post on Tumblr when it goes live, so keep an eye out for that - and in the meantime, keep an eye on the current url!


So now let's talk Blue Star Episode 3, proper!

In a nutshell, I've been lip-syncing. A lot over the past few days. The sex scene is split into 4 parts. Each part has 4 audio channels: Liara's dialogue, Shadowbroker's dialogue, Liara's non-dialogue (moans, breaths, etc), and Shadowbroker's non-dialogue.

Of all of this:

  • 4 of 4 parts of Liara's dialogue is lip-synced
  • 4 of 4 parts of Shadowbroker's dialogue is lip-synced
  • 0 of 4 parts of Liara's non-dialogue is lip-synced
  • 2.5 of 4 parts of Shadowbroker's non-dialogue is lip-synced.

Once the lip-syncing is done, I have a few more things I need to do:

  • Detail the animations
  • Finalize the lighting
  • (Quickly animate a few minor non-sex scenes I forgot about)
  • Animate the camera
  • RENDER! :O!

As you all can see, I am actually doing pretty damn well time-wise. My original schedule was to get 1 part lip-synced a day. Starting on the 6th, that would have had all of the lip-syncing finished by the 22nd. I gave myself 3 days for streams and a "bad day", so I was hoping to get all of the lip-syncing done by the 25th.

If I kept to that schedule, I would have only finished the dialogue lip-syncing yesterday. So I am making great time, and things are looking to be on-schedule.

Hopefully next week I will have all of the lip-sync done, and I will be able to share a few fully voiced worked-in-progress snippets of the sex scene.

No promises, though.

Until next time, everyone!




Woo! Good going man. Going to feel great wrapping this project.


hope u dont mind LA i had used your shepard and miranda models and had dance animations for them..i cant find the dance animations now dont know why//can u point in right direction to get those back ..it also had walking animations and pole dancing//tks so much!!!!


LA please disregard my dance request duh moment found them again still a nube after all these years lol!!