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Battlestar Galactica 4x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Faith



Ma9Na (ma-nine-nuh)

OMG's, just watched eps 3,4,5,& 6 back to back. Moved to a new home and my PC is the only way I have of watching my Blu Rays and Angela in sync. Finally plugged it all in!!! This should be renamed Epic 6. So much new stuff that was a feast for the eyes, clever use of a shitty old transistor radio that harked to a 1950's radio broadcast and as you said Angela, stunning character moments. The religious element doesnt bother me because it permeates every inch of our own history. The BSG saga has straddled so many great but uncomfortable real stories because it is not a Space Western., no goodies or badies hence my own fondness of some of the cylons. The writers created the military characters as genderless. The bathrooms, the living quarters, the boxing, which the Starbuck character was all over in the beginning. Now Starbuck with a purpose is less Top Gun and more Ripley like!

Ma9Na (ma-nine-nuh)

I am so sorry Angela and yes, the cancer parts trigger me too. I lost my little sister 10 years ago. I loved every extra second we could spend together even though we lived in different countries. the bonus, we made a video that became a mini doco that I have given to others going through that maze. After ali that I wasnt prepared for the last hours of her life or the impact on my own mental health for the rest of mine. Peter

Wade Wallenstein

I'm about a week behind in watching this but that's because I was busy at work. Also, because I knew what was in this episode lol. My Mother died of Cancer nearly 2 years ago. We watched this series a couple of times over the years so when I saw somebody was reacting to it I had to join in as a way of remembering her. This one hits harder now, especially the way they had Roslin explain what happened to a loved one. More proof that the writing still holds up today.


Love this show so much. I've seen this at least 10 times, and I tear up harder each time lol