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Battlestar Galactica: Razor FULL LENGTH Movie Reaction



Ma9Na (ma-nine-nuh)

Great reaction and noticed some military reply's. I will stay out of those conversations as this is about a TV show that does a very good job of keeping it real. One point though. The scene with young Kane reminds of how silly it is that children are expected to look after younger children like they are adults. PTSD!!! Kane never forgave herself for something that was not her fault. That broke her and made her!

David Cook

It was interesting in the making of video DVD bonus features to see Michelle Forbes how she really is in reality - funny and a bit silly at times. Anyway, the whole reason Cain needed the supplies from the civilian fleet was because of the losses due to Cain's decision to take on an unimportant Cylon outpost, which is what her XO objected to & got him shot. So this is all on her bad leadership. Listening to Cain justifying the hard things that had to be done to Kendra sounded a lot like what the Nazis said to their troops who had normal human objections to killing Jews and other civilians - that it was hard thing to do but that it was necessary.