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Battlestar Galactica 3x16 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Dirty Hands

NOTE: On Amazon Prime, this episode is listed as 3x15 FULL LENGTH REACTION



Please do not comment about what may or may not happen in future episodes.


Concerning Adama's reaction to the strike, it's something that exists to this day in modern armies: active military personnel is not allowed to go on strike, or to even unionized in most countries. Disobeying any order is not a possibility in the military, that's why they have courts-martial instead of regular tribunals, they don't operate under the same law/obligation as civilians (my father was in the military). When civilians only have to obey the law and can do anything that isn't forbidden, military personnel have to obey any orders, unless those orders are unlawful. If Chief had been a civilian or if he had only negotiated on behalf of the civilian while still keeping the production running, I don't think Adama would have reacted that way. Granted, it might not have succeeded in changing things that way either :/

David T

I interpreted the final conversation between Adama and Tyrell this way: Adama is purely military; his command depends on those under him taking orders without question. It's a black and white issue with no shades of gray. This conversation was purely focused on the military obligations of both the Chief and Callie. Either they swear to obey commands, or they are out. After that issue was dealt with by Adama, he moved on to relaxing and letting the Chief talk to the President. But regarding the military, there could be no room for choice. That said, as the son of a construction worker, I too loved the topic of working classes and unions, and I loved seeing the President deal fairly with them at the end, and especially the promotion of Seelix!

David T

In answer to your question about Gaius and the probability that he is from a farm family, at this point in the series it seems dubious but not entirely unlikely. I won't say anything more. But regarding the amazing acting chops of James Callis, I would refer everyone to an episode in season 15 of the British series Midsommer Murders, called "The Dark Rider," in which James Callis plays aristocratic twins in an episode about a British battle reenactment and a headless horseman. In that episode, Callis plays both twin brothers, Toby and Julian, who have vastly different personalities. Toby is passive and meek, while Julian is assertive and overbearing. Its a great example of really excellent acting from James Callis, comparable to his Battlestar Galactica acting.