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Avatar the Last Airbender 1x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Imprisoned



Amy Petty

lol - you're really overthinking the whole Earth thing. Just take for granted that yes, it is Earth. Just a fantasy version of it.

Amy Petty

This isn't really a spoiler, as it's the premise of the story): the war is simply about domination. The Four Nations lived in harmony and balance and one day the Fire Nation decided it wanted to conquer the world. One hundred years later, here we are. My initial impression of the story was that I found it too kiddish. Sokka in particular was much too goofy - very stereotypical of a standard kid's cartoon, honestly. The first couple episodes were too cartoonish and almost put me off the series. A friend pushed me to keep it going. I did, and my ultimate impression of the Gaang in these early days was that Sokka was more level-headed than his joking makes it seem, while Katara has positioned herself as the responsible mother of the group - but she's also an idealist and it's moments as with this episode that you see the contradictions pop up: where her practicality succumbs to her sense of justice. Aang, of course, is a good-hearted person who wants to do the right thing, but he's also a twelve year old boy who would prefer to spend his time just having fun. I think that's a critical point in their different experiences: Katara at this point is 14 and Sokka 16, but they have lived their entire lives in the shadow of war. Moreover, their parents and grandparents were born into it, too. So there are no living generations who ever knew a different world. Aang has been explicitly told that there's a war going on, and has by this point both observed and personally experienced Fire Nation aggression, but he hasn't quite internalized yet what that means. I like all three of them because they are all written so realistically well. But Zuko is hands down my favorite character. His arc is by far the most dramatic and compelling across the entire series. You'll know what I mean later. :D

Simon Chamberland

Usually a distinction is made between Earth (planet) and earth (soil, dirt, ground etc). Even if you were on another planet not called Earth, earthbending could still be used and make sense. Same thing happens in French where we use "Terre" and "terre", I wonder if it's consistent across languages or if some have more distinct words to differentiate soil and our planet. Angela called it "dirt bending" in a previous reaction and I thought that was pretty funny 😂

Amy Petty

Sure, most English speakers generally don't refer to dirt/ground/soil as earth, although there's no reason not to. All I'm saying here is that there's no reason to get lost in the weeds, asking whether they're on Earth or not.


It's a good thing you recognized Mr. Takei, or I was going to be sorely disappointed. I recognized him before he finished his first sentence. I'm afraid I really don't care about any of the characters so far. It still just feels like a pointless children's show. People have said it gets better in season 2, so I'll keep slogging along in hopes a story appears.