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Scott Pilgrim VS. The World Movie FULL LENGTH Reaction




So excited you're doing this one! Easily one of my all time favorites. So weird in all the best ways!

Ron B

Love this movie a lot! Super stacked cast that went on to do a lot of great things (obviously). It came out when I was 19 so at the time I didn't really dwell on the 17 year old to 22 year old relationship dynamic but in hindsight (now as a 32 year old... man), yeah it's pretty icky for sure. 😬 Absolutely agree on the fight scenes being the best part(s) of the movie. Unsure if you were completely aware (might have been looking at your phone for the Edgar Wright connection with the extended song intro) the movie was based off a series of graphic novels where yes the novels are heavily video game stylized (what you see in the backstory explanations Ramona gives during the movie is that same style). Great timing for you to watch this too, they're apparently doing a Netflix anime with pretty much the entire original cast soon, whether or not it's based off the same material as the movie or other stories in the comics I have no idea (I personally never read the comics) but I'm intrigued! Maybe something to watch in a future reaction? 😋


I said the same thing "perfect timing"! I think this story in anime will be phenomenal. Especially with all the original actors!

Paul Mason

The Scott-Knives relationship is problematic but I think in context it makes sense. Scott has a brutal break-up with probably his first serious relationship as an adult and he's still very immature himself. So he regresses. It's possibly clearer in the comic but there's a sense that he's chosen this "safe" childish relationship. They don't have a physical relationship outside of the occasional hug, and I don't think he wants that because like I say he's regressed to something safe and non-threatening. Not that that makes it ok, because Knives is a person and he's basically using her for emotional comfort without thinking about her feelings. So yes he's a jerk. When I read the comic I felt some sympathy for him but gradually realised he wasn't such a great guy and then he starts to learn that and change. But it plays out over a longer time than a movie can. To be fair I may just be less perceptive lol. The other thing that's relevant is that in the book Ramona is a bit of a mess too and doesn't treat Scott all that great. They sort of talk about that in the movie but you don't really see it, it's all in the past. So there's that sense of them sort of being each other's karma. The best thing about the movie is the way it's shot and the comic book/video game feel of it, especially the fights. The characters are fun but not deep and the story is simplistic. By the way, if you like the way this is shot etc, there's a British sitcom called Spaced. It's 2 short seasons, 14 episodes, has Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It has a very similar style, since it's also directed by Edgar Wright.

Ian from wine country

Yeah, this movie is great as long as you realize that Scott is supposed to be unlikable through most of it (and still in the end, IMO) I will never understand the appeal of the Scott character. He's basically Holden Caufield for the early 2000s. The cast is un-fucking-believable. Kieran Culkin is the best. Plus, both MCU Captains and a Superman. Brie Larson doing the actual singing for that song by "The Clash At Demonhead" was awesome. Always impressed when actors do their own music stuff. There's a decent extended cut of that song on youtube. Schwartzman at his archest, love it.


Since you enjoyed the aesthetic of the movie so much, you should check out Tetris (2023), it just came out on Apple TV. It’s a wild story without the movie embellishments(the basic idea is a true story), with them it’s bonkers. Plus it’s got a wild soundtrack and a really solid cast. Another movie that riffs on video games and pop culture is Free Guy (2021) with Ryan Reynolds. Both are easy to watch and would make good reactions.

The Evil Monkey 666

Two ‐ forgot what you said after Rhianna boo q🤣


Every time I started to watch severance, there was a trailer for Tetris. And I watched it every single time. I knew I was going to watching it at some point.


I think if I had watched it when I were younger, I would’ve felt differently about it as well. I think most of my nieces and nephews are in their late teens, and it just creeps me out to think a 22 year old trying to have a relationship with them.


They're making an animated show on Netflix with the graphics of the comic book ! I'm so pumped about it, with all the cast of the movie coming back to voice their characters. I think it's normal you couldn't like Scott. He's really not supposed to be a likable character to start with. If you like Edgard Wright movies so much, consider watching " Paul " ! it's so much fun ! With the return of the Trio Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and a Stacked casting like Scott Pilgrim. Like always, thanks for the reaction, had a really good time.


I'm actually really excited for the animate show! I think this type of story will SHINE in animation. Especially with the same cast!

S. Goose

Between this and the promise of Serenity in the future, you finally got me to upgrade my sub tier. Congratulations! lol

Tenn Seven

Wallace is the best!

Nathaniel Castle

Really enjoyed this film Both Scott and Ramona are pretty terrible people Ramona is trying to be better and Scott becomes better through the journey The whole thing is a strange quirky journey with fun video game visuals and logic Thanks for watching this one it was good fun 😊