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Farscape 1x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Thank God It's Friday, Again | Peacock Version



Tony Camas

I think you should do an interpretive dance at the end of every episode from here on out, Angela. Clearly, it is a calling you've ignored all too long! The character development continues pretty much throughout this show. It is one of the things I love about it, and it's nice to see you noticing it too. And there is so, so much more to come. The format of the show does get less episodic as things progress, but it's not quite one continuous story either; it's not like BSG or The Expanse. Rather, the show continues to be episodic in part, but those episodes begin to exist within the framework of a larger, long-term narrative. So you kind of get the best of both worlds -- individual stories to enjoy, but also a developing story with bigger stakes that unfolds over seasons. There are also a few two and three part episodes that are pretty great too.