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Battlestar Galactica 4x14 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Blood on the Scales



Philip Doherty

What made me feel so much for Gaeta was he thought he was doing the right thing and when he didn't he prevented the harm he could. He reacted to the slaughter of the Quorum with horror. Yeah, he didn't like any of the killing. War sucks. But he pointed out that they destroyed whatever righteousness he believed they had. Then, he demanded a trial. I don't think this was cowardly, just trying to hang on to a shred of legitimacy. He held fire seeing it was over when the Cylon/Laura was prepping to open fire, he knew with the FTL disabled he'd lost the ship and didn't want to add to the loss a battle would cause, knowing it was over. He didn't know Adama and the crew was on the way, but he figured it was coming. Gaeta, I think was motivated by ongoing physical pain and ethical pain from his past decisions and consequences. What's really hard for me is in that last moment, his physical pain stopped. There is no telling what physical pain does to us, our thinking. Ongoing pain whether physical or emotional twists us in ways we can't expect. His stopped at the end. He may have caused a lot, but in the end he stopped a lot of savagery that Zarec would have caused without him. It's so sad to me that a key motivation, that physical suffering, stopped right before the consequences of what it inspired him to do.

Michael Weir

All the rest of the series is gonna make you wanna call your parents.... It is beyond a roller coaster ride!!!!