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So the past couple episodes we got hit with copyright claims DAYS after posting on here. Which means we re-edit and re-upload a new version, sometimes that one getting a copyright claim DAYS later as well. I don't erase comments on Youtube so if yours is missing, it's because its the new uplaoded version. I will post in the BSG chat when there is a new version uploaded from now on so you can go and put your comments back over there if you want. I don't want anyone thinking I'm censoring them. I don't do that.

The next episode goes up tomorrow... what's the over/under it gets a copyright claim? 1 day, 2 days, 3 days? UGH, Love you guys.



It happened to few of my comments which is somewhat sad. But I will not dwell on it. I know how stupid YT copyright algorithms are. What is gone is gone, most important thing to me is that you've read what I had to say, in the moment I've posted those comments.


So sorry about this. I've been sick, the BSG series has kept me going. If you don't do B5 after, I'm not sure if I'll live lol. It's so annoying because effectively you are bringing in new fans AND driving more streaming and physical media sales by bringing old series back to life. THEY should be paying YOU! Illegetimi non carborundum.