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New character candidate:

Sexton (Church of Starry Wisdom cleric. Maintenance staff of the enormous mobile amphibious fortress Providence Cathedral. Concept art attached to the post.)

Fetishes with voting power requirement fulfilled and removed from the poll:

  • Jizz physics, Belly bulge
    (The former has already been partially implemented in update 0.33)
  • Impregnation & Birth
    (Added to Harem Mode dev roadmap)
  • Devil Girl/Succubus Outfit
    (Planned to be a costume for Galatea)

New Outfits Suggested by high tier patrons:

Erotic Bride Outfit

New Features Suggested by high tier patrons:

Vore/Encasement Sex

New Monsters Suggested by high tier patrons:

Mercurian Vegetable Entity (A plant-based creature with a thick tentacle as its stem)

Shoggoth Lord (A shapeshifter taking the form of a bald, fat malicious man)










If I may for a moment...the delays in the monthly poll are getting out of hand. Like, I only started supporting about 6 months ago, and back then the polls came out relatively early in the month. But now it's gotten to the point that you're posting this on the third/second-to-last day of the month, and it's ridiculous. I almost feel like there won't be a January poll next month because you take too long to count votes. It's a little unfair to everyone here, especially when we don't know when to vote or how much time is left in the poll. I would suggest setting actual deadlines for these polls that you can stick with for consistency. Like, say, start the 1st, and then end it with enough days left so you can give yourself enough time to count the votes. So if you need a week, close the poll on the 23rd/24th. Three days, 27th/28th. (And to set this up, have one month be a big reset, with the previous month's poll doubling in vote value.) I get that you got a lot on your plate. That's why I suggest this, so that this isn't a problem anymore.

Solvite Sekai

it wouldnt be a big deal if they would stop willingly adding more to their plate.

Solvite Sekai

Helius idk if you saw this, but the newest VR build is such a massive spike in necessary power despite not much changing. Can we expect some optimization, because a few months ago i could run this game while watching 5-6 videos at the same time. (edit: now i can hardly run it at all) I'm fine either way if i guess i have to upgrade (assuming more cards ever drop) but i dont think you can sell a VR game these days if it requires a 3080 to even run on low.




I'm testing it on 2070 and that is the ideal hardware range for the final product. Gonna check out what caused the performance drop.



Matthew Petty

Vore? Really? That's real unfortunate...

Fable Wolfe

Agree with the vore comment myself.


I really like the idea of the bride costume. The new character concept is also pretty great. I'm just looking forward to seeing the actual game part of the game now lol Smut is good and all, but being a good game should always come first.


Hello been supporting PH at $25 per month for 2 years I think. As the quality improves, I realised there are starting to have more scenes where the environment is actually blocking visual access to all the action. I lost count of the number of times a WALL or a TABLE furniture limits my camera angles and ruins a moment for me...even when the pose and animation is great. As nice as the environment is, It will be great if PH can allow us to toggle the transparency of the environment or clip through environmental objects so we can get a better view of the poses in action. 😅 My 2-cents.


Comeon guys, more breast sucking and groping LET'S GO


Oh yes, i have the same problems. Found that perfect angle, BLAM spare tyre blocking the view


I don't like it myself, but I can see why a project like this would attract it. Not a fan of the proposed shoggoth human form either, but I guess we're not the ones putting our money into the higher voting tiers so...




So when steam is banning sexual content for some countries (e.g. Germany), will you provide alternative ways for residence in those countries to get the updates? I am a backer since several years and i were promised a copy, there was no mention of steam at that time. So if steam doesn't work, i guess you will find another way to provide the updates?


I think a monster with very big dik is necessarry ^^ ,and more Anya scene lol (She looks too much like helena "DOA")


I bought a game on DLsite that plays on steam or there is the normal version (but on DL site you buy the NFSW version)and then just copy the folders of DLsite in the steam directory




Just a quick thank you! I am fairly new here and have loved it so far, Dating is hard right now because of covid and I was born able to get sick very easily so shits rough right now. I am super happy my outfit recommendation made the cut! I kind of figured it would end up on Alet but Galatea seems like the perfect fit! I was already looking forward to her because I prefer petite women but now I just can't wait. Please keep up the great work you have made me a very happy supporter and I hope to support you guys more in the future! Ps. I have high hopes for the gameplay as well, Thanks again!




摄像机位置体验不太好 ,比如女性角色被压在桌子或地上,面朝地面时,摄像机无法看到女角色的脸,如果强行穿模看的话,屏幕还会被模型遮挡住导致无法看清女角色的脸 就很烦 。建议改成和摄像机重叠的物体被自动隐藏, 或者设置一个将家具、墙体隐藏的快捷键




Is there a way for us to look at the polls results?


What's with the tongues being out?


Love Elfes!

Solvite Sekai

Oh fucking hell i know the game is japanese but dont add fat ugly dudes. Wtf helius.

Solvite Sekai

Like dont get me wrong Helius, right now we can just "skip" the fat guy stuff and the incoming vore, but once this becomes a real game it's going to be part of the gameplay. I shit you not when i say id rather see Alet get railed by a sentient turd than a fat ugly bastard character




So because you don't like something, nobody else should be able to enjoy it? Okay..




Found a MAJOR BUG with the new butt physics! The new butt physics is causing major deformation to the contour's of the butt with triangular shapes during some scenes. SCREENSHOTS OF BUG: http://puu.sh/H3Azg/c42d207c76.jpg http://puu.sh/H3AyX/f568b34551.jpg http://puu.sh/H3AzC/8e0a7b3b43.jpg http://puu.sh/H3AA8/02e41a9b03.jpg This is actually all the time, except it's extremely visible in a few scenes while not too visible in the rest of scenes. Basically this is the new physics causing it.


рободевок не завезут я полагаю ?


Lol 'course not. Do those pictures look like low settings? I have everything maxed, with an RTX 3070. I can zoom all the way in to small skin detail without any lag.


Why not tentacle Footjob ? ^^

