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Note: The MEGA links are up.

Probably not really a wise decision to go out of the way to add experimental features on a whim but what's done is done. Besides I'm pretty satisfied with the results.

Update 0.33 and 0.34 are the last two intermediate updates to the Classic Mode. Starting from 0.35 we will turn the focus to the development of Harem Mode in preparation for the Steam release next year.

Closed beta test shall be launched on Steam late March. More detailed roadmap and closed beta test (which is reserved for patrons only) plan coming soon. If you pardon me, I'm gonna hit the bed before taking questions...

Update 0.33


Revamped butt physics
Dynamic seminal fluids visual effect for shooting outside
Alet's New Costume: Ribboned Christmas Gift
Erika's New Costume: Holy Night Surprise
Minor bug fixes

New Sex Scenes:

Erika Dreamer V 12
Erika Ghast V 03
Erika Deep One A 03
Anya Basatan A 03
Anya Ghast V 01
Alet Dreamer F 02
Alet Dreamer A 06
Alet Deep One A 03

New Languages:


(if you are a native Dutch or Japanese speaker and wish to help in translating or proofreading, welcome to shoot me an email at projecthshop@gmail.com)




Im not seeing the mega link. It only takes me to your website

john smith



rest well soldier, you did it well, you deserve a medal :)


Just wondering in which version will Galatea be released


You are awesome. And a merry Christmas to us all.


dayum, was looking forward to alet x ghast


Merry PADORU!!! gonna end New Year's with a bang. Literally.




You forgot to pin this one at the top. It' s still 0.32 up there. :) I hope you had a good nap!


when the megaupload is up please post it in the message. My internet is reaaaally slow and i have a megaupload account only for download this hahaa


Thanks for putting this update out even during the Holidays!


Sure, probably gonna take another 30 minutes (it's painfully slow to upload with it)


The only issues I have had recently with the game is Erikas skin, she looks like a soft purple making me think circulation has been cut off her whole body and next to the dreamers skin tone it takes away from the scene


Very good


Thanks! Was hoping for more Anya (♥) content, but I'll take what I can get.


If I pledged enough to get new builds without being a patron, will I be able to betatest it too?


Is there a way to download just the updates? Or do I have to download the entire thing again?

Ergin Sep

important question here As far as I know sexual content has been banned here in germany on steam because it doesn't have the required age verification what am I supposed to do then? make a different account with a VPN or how am I supposed to play it on steam


Thank you! Not sure if it was like this before but it does seem like you have to reapply Alet's ribbon costume for every scene change. Also this was true last time but in VR mode the blow job scenes don't actually go into the character's mouth. It's just clipped into her head.


You are still able to register the product with the steam key we send you upon launch, although you may not be able to visit the store page.


@ProjecHelius could you please answer my previous post (which are some of most liked posts here so i think that people find that questions important :) i know i may not be aristocrat thouth my total pledge is far beondy that @Project Helius - i think that it would be great that we could save camera position and angles. Moving camera manualy is kinda slow. i think that it should be fantastic to be able to create 4-8 such quick save /load cameras for each scene separately (eg with ctrl +1-8 to save then and 1-8 to restore view. And another thing that is connected with that i think that it would be awesome add to application that you could split view (1:1 or eg. 2:1 , or mayby just 1/4 in corner ) and set camera separately for both part of screen. I know that it cannot be done for VR but probably most usres not use it so:) and viewing sex scene from to angles same time is so hot :) viewing face and rear same time .... :) @Project Helius - 1) Do i need to be active patron to play Harem mode(on which level) or does it be enough if i paid earlier ? 2) Why egg lying is part of Harem mode only ? it seems that more and more part of game is made for HM only why girls cant by egglied in single player ?


Seriously nice job and the butt...love it


Do i have to redownload everything. is there a way to patch what i have downloaded already


Going to https://www.projecthelius.com/index.html#/index/latestbuilds give me a "not found" error.


The last 3 posts or so they have said that future updates will support patch updating. Until then you download the new update.


I don`t know if you have already talked about that, but do you have plans about the adult games ban on germany?


When will we have Galatea?




Thank you so much for the constant work on this! I promise to be buying the capitalist patron rank in the near future! I don't require a thanks, at least not till I do it! I just want to share that I truly want to support your work on this!


not working with my oculus rift s; shows on screen but not in headset. 0.30 worked fine. trying 0.32 now




Can we get an update on WMR/HP Reverb G2 support? G2 controllers don't seem to work and there's also an issue with the central point of rotation (room center instead of head location). Since Paralogue seems to use WMR directly it's impossible to use Steam VR to remap - and this also means I can't use non-WMR (ie: lighthouse based) controllers instead.

Solvite Sekai

bruh this game on VR is like... if you dont stop adding physics and shit to it it's going to be unplayable. Like i have a GTX 1070 which really isn't the best, but it's better than a lot of porn degenerates have and i can BARELY even run the game anymore. (edit: To clarify I could run Fallen Doll perfectly fine, and i could run Paralogue fine 2 builds ago and fairly well last build. Now i cant even turn clothing on.) So unless 3080s are super easy to get by release, i dont think you'll get any VR money without some optimization.


option to disable monitor mirror please like captain hardcore


Please support Reverb G2.




Quick save camera is a brilliant idea. I'll give it some thinking. No, you don't need to continue monthly pledge to access the harem mode. Egg lying was designed based on the free roam sandbox gameplay.


So I think I spotted a strange render problem in Alet-Deep One -A3. When you position the camera so that the sample tube with the "heart" is behind the Deep One, you can see a "shadow" of the heart through him, even when he's set to maximum opacity. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7blxmb102q4ceej/Paralogue%20%20%202020-12-28%2019-47-31.mp4?dl=0


It is honestly ridiculously impressive how much content you are managing to release monthly. Thanks for this and I hope you are doing well. ^^










Is Harem Mode the Story Mode?


Can we get an Anya F scene at some point and or nipple sucking?


Thanks again! I just bought an Oculus Quest2 and enjoyed the paralogue as fast as I could. 3D is great! By the way, when I get close to the girl's face and body, she looks amazingly small. It's like a doll. Since this is VR, I want to enjoy it with human beings, not dolls. :) Is there any item to adjust the IPD scale etc?


the sound in the game is gone, what needs to be done to jump?


the sound in the game is gone, what needs to be done to jump?


希望可以改进一下视角旋转时候的“步进感”。就是说视角旋转目前不够平滑,尤其是在慢速的精调视角时,会感到视角是在一格一格地跳转,而不是平滑地随着鼠标旋转。 我好像没有在其他游戏里遇到过这种问题,希望可以改善一下,谢谢。




有些丝袜的bug一直存在,透明人大多数后人体位身体接触时,Alet的连体丝袜接触部位会破掉, Alet和Erika 在脚步的丝袜,会在脚趾移动时破掉。希望可以修复。


From version 0.31a VR stopped working for me, just downloaded 0.33 and still won't work. I use Vive Cosmos, when entered the game my controller won't work, trigger and all buttons does not respond. I have SteamVR already installed, other games are all running OK with all buttons on the controller working. Please help, thanks


hello, if it is like mine, dont use trigger but press the pad... I mean the cursor controler


Question here, what was the major change in graphic/physic from version 0.29 to 0.30-0.33 There must be something as in VR on 0.29 max settings my graphic card RTX2070S goes to 75% and from 0.30-0.33 it goes up to 100% on medium.


Sometimes it's because the game isn't focused. Make sure to click inside the window with your mouse.

John Page

The visuals are top tier the physics are beating IlluSion publishing games. However the ability to choose a hand and gripe the women is missing in yours. Watching is great... but interacting would be better.


No Harem Mode will be a multiplayer mode eventually. It will allow you to walk around and initiate scenes through interactions, instead of just menus though. So it makes sense as the next step (build animated scenes (Classic mode) > enter scenes with in-game systems (Harem mode) > full game that allows you to enter scenes with in-game systems (story mode))


Well, the main thing is that you are happy with the result. Otherwise, a cool update at the very end of the year. Happy Holidays!






I wonder if there will be support for the Russian language?


would've been nice if Anya had a christmas costume aswell


Wanted to know will the horse creature be included in harem mode when it finally releases or will it be available before harem mode?


what's the eta for Galatea release?


Hello - Since version 0.31a VR stopped working for me. Controller won't navigate menus and it is not loading in english. Has anyone had the same problem with the VR version? On Oculus rift.


Very good


这个游戏 的配置文件放在哪,我把分辨率设到4K,帧数就1帧。。RTX3080


thx for keeping updated bro, but... how do i fully unlock all scenes or is it just possible after payin the full price like, 36€~ iirc? Lmk Greetings Ps: Your work here is great


im having trouble on the start screen for vr. it says something about the triggers in another language but nothing i press does anything. i have a vive cosmos for reference if that's important


Did you raise screen percentage too high? This is super sampling and costs a lot of system resources.




Hey, idk if I'm being stupid but is there a way to have the models sit down so I can add the clothes without looking at a scene in VR?






Why can't I download the game? I paid $ 8 but the message says "Sorry! Patreon is unable to process your account info at the moment. Please try again later.: 3"


I had the most odd issue and resolution. Ever since 0.32 I lost all sound, though didn't play much. I though 0.33 might fix it, but still no sound. Odd thing was, none of the mouths were moving at all, like they weren't even producing sound. I started 0.31a again, which worked and it looked like that version had the new UI too. I think the UI overhaul was added in 0.32? Then went back to 0.33 to check something and the sounds were working. I'm using Oculus Quest with VirtualDesktop sideloaded and SteamVR.


It seems that the game failed to update the setting file on your machine. Since it have already been fixed you should be good to go.


Why can't I download the game? I paid $ 8 but the message says Whoops! You are not one of our active patrons it seems. Please consider becoming one! :3 (If you are a new member, please wait and try again later.)


try and reattach the download site to your patreon account, that normally works for me


Why can't I download the game? I paid $ 8 but the message says Whoops! You are not one of our active patrons it seems. Please consider becoming one! :3 (If you are a new member, please wait and try again later.)


Why can't I download the game? I paid $ 8 but the message says Whoops! You are not one of our active patrons it seems. Please consider becoming one! :3 (If you are a new member, please wait and try again later.) help me


You should be all set now, I'm submitting a bug report to Patreon.


i want refund


i wait 9 hour and i can't down game message says Whoops! You are not one of our active patrons it seems. Please consider becoming one! :3 (If you are a new member, please wait and try again later.


so how could i download the beta?


i want refund


No problem. It is really weird Patreon refused to acknowledge your pledge, this rarely happens yet multiple cases have been reported yesterday. (It still shows that you are not a backer on my end)


So question, the steam release is slated for 2022 or 2021, the initial one i mean?


wie bekoome ich deom auf die voll verson


i want refund


failed to process account info 2021/1/2


Hello. When the quality setting is "Medium" or "Low", if you press the M key to enable the sweat display and keep the game running, all the textures will sometimes be flat and look like a rubber doll. This problem does not occur when the quality setting is "High". (I don't speak English, so it was written by Goole's translation.)


system patreon is trouble and i cancel memberships and lose money


the Portuguese language has a lot of errors, practically every word that has accents like: ´, ~, ^, ç are bugged ....


I know, as i explained multiple times this is an issue with Patreon and we are urging Patreon to get this fixed asap. I just manually added you to the list and you should be able to visit the download page now.


This is an issue with Patreon and we are urging Patreon to get this fixed asap. If you are still unable to access the download page please send your Patreon email account to projecthshop@gmail.com so I can manually add you to the list before Patreon addresses the bug.


This is an issue with Patreon and we are urging Patreon to get this fixed asap. If you are still unable to access the download page please send your Patreon email account to projecthshop@gmail.com so I can manually add you to the list before Patreon addresses the bug.


Yeah I am aware that the font is incorrect, will get it fixed in the next update.


This is an issue with Patreon and we are urging Patreon to get this fixed asap. If you are still unable to access the download page please send your Patreon email account to projecthshop@gmail.com so I can manually add you to the list before Patreon addresses the bug.


Will the game be added to other platforms which are more anonymous? I don't know how to hide playing it on Steam. Itch would be cool.


There's a privacy setting you can change in Steam to hide a specific game.


I cannot download your game. can you add me to the list?


Can we disable the monster sex yet?


能中出之后 做一个肉棒拔出来 精液流出的画面么?


Dr.Anya's breast physics is weird in most lie down scenes, it looks like a floating balloon...


I sent a message a few days ago but didn't get a response. Do you usually read Patreon messages, or should I use some other way to contact you?


I recommend contacting me by sending an email to projecthshop@gmail.com




$10 tier here. Just wondering why I’m only able to do two sex positions at the moment? I’m sure it’s something I just haven’t understood, but it would be awesome to get some guidance. As of right now, only two options are shown for sex positions. Do I have to meet some type of goal to advance to other options?


Hey, I just got my Oculus Quest 2 today and I noticed that the VR version has no sound for me. Can you help me troubleshoot that? Other games work just fine with either the integrated speakers, or my headphones.






시점을 다른상대로 전환할수있나요


Nope, there are nearly 150 scenes available from the beginning as of now.


是我的配置不够吗 我用VR 如果离角色太近 会出现严重的抖动情况; fallen doll 不会有这种问题。


Small request:The 'idle' animations from the desktop versions don't exist in the VR version. The models are so good it's nice to let them just stand there and appreciate them. Would it be possible to enable that? No worries if not.


could you add an FOV slider I have ultra wide 3840-1200 and at this res my FOV is like many games to close and I have no way other than change res lower that fixes it, I also agree with (The models are so good it's nice to let them just stand there and appreciate them) and would ask for a empty room with no assets/props the block the view of your good work, centre the animated scenes with characters in centre of room with no obstructions that block views, I support adeptusteve game ''wildlife'' on patreon and it has a room like I explain, empty, with just light controls and charaters being animated so we can enjoy them from any angle, it would be a fantastic addition and maybe with some of that games charater posing options also, if I could put both games together I would have the pergect game


can someone explain to me how to get this on my Oculus Quest? I see people say Steam VR but i dont see it in my app store on the oculus quest


Hey it seems like Dr. Anyas butt physics do not work properly like how Alet and Erikas do. Anyas don't jiggle as much as the others. Can you please look into it. It would look so much better if they jiggled more!


Sure, gonna add a changing room after the new Erotes Nightclub map is finished.


can't play with my cosmos controllers. can't even start the game. I can play fallen doll perfectly.


Hello, I have a problem. I have become a supporter. Why can't I play story mode? If I click to enter the game, I will only jump to the web page


Hi! I'm new here and first of all thank you for making such a wonderful game with such a very impressive quality. I've never seen a X project as developed and already polished as this one, you guys are definitively not new to the field and that's a pleasure to see you are putting your heart in it. I myself am very interested in creating games (not at this scale tho ^^), and so I would like to submit a few things I noticed and improvements suggestions : - I think it has already been reported, but Alet's right boob doesn't move in a/some animation(s). - Dr.anya: her eyes looking at the camera can be sometimes a bit weird, her tiny eyes iris and the position of the camera's focus can lead to strange gazes (looking up way too far). - Voices: within the 5 disponible speeds, a few of them do not trigger girl voices. For example, Alet's voice triggers mostly at speed 1 and 4 (if my memory isn't deficient), which lets speed 2 and 3 unvoiced. - Cum: My personal tastes are maybe interfering with my objectivity, but I feel like cum isn't displayed significantly enough at the moment , maybe adding more cum textures, increase the texture's size or raising its opacity could help. - Cum scene: this gives me a nice transition to talk about cumming in general, personnal tastes oblige. The overall cumming scenes -imo- lack of impact, and do not feel rewarding enough. What I mean is : it has a feeling of "oh it's done" more than "Yeaaaaaaaah" which was kind of a basic standard in X games, being the ultimate event of, well, every scenes. To improve that feeling, here are a few suggestions of feedbacks: - (as said above) enhancing the cums fbacks - adding a slight screenshake - a overall camera's FX (e.g increasing blur around the edges, ref: SDT) - UI feedbacks when cumming is available - increasing the sweat spawn - adding a "wet effect" to the clothes that could appear increasingly every time you unload - make the cumming animations last longer (e.g SDT, unload animation is about at least 5 seconds long) even if I doubt you would like to rework 100+anim... Anyway, there are a lot of possible things to do, but I understand if this isn't your priority. - the manhood: transparency is a must-do for males, but having their manhood transparent as well is a bit disturbing (especially in oral scenes), it would be nice to have an option to display penis no matter the display mode. - auto modes: I didn't understand them, since auto pose changes are almost unseen, and auto speed changes speed...well, sometimes I guess? Maybe adding a slider/option to increase and decrease frequency and scale could be useful. FEATURES IDEAS: - Free Camera mode: A guy above mentioned a way to display only the characters. Having a mode without background free of collisions would be nice (e.g illusion games: honey select...). Indeed when close to objects or scenes involving background can be frustrating since your camera will be locked on the wall/ground. - Facial expressions : Adding more noticeable mood in the girls faces, either depending on the scene's consent (would be logical) or creating an option to change it within the game's UI (e.g illusion games: honey select mods allow to change it). That would mean a lot of work depending on your animation's blending and RIG on the characters, by adding noticeable smiles, grimaces, narrowed eyes and else. That would be a great way to enhance the characters liveliness, but it could also be achieved with voice variations depending on the consent again. That's all I had to say, maybe this comment will be lost but in case you took the time to read it all, thank you for your time and keep up the good work lad! :D




To add to what Sam3214 wrote regarding cum. There is some missing impact in how cumming is handled but what i would really like to see is better semen physics. I know that just with this version there were dynamic effects added, but it still is kinda disappointing to have semen as this disjointed feeling effect. When looking around i found that a a lot of flavor can be gaines by havin cum act like thicker water. I dont know how the game engine handels water, but having semen as an actual object that interacts with the models based on a physics engine could vastly improve this aspect and possibly give players more options to play with, by making the amount adjustable in ml or l depending on the creature.




Entered Activation Key. when the Activation Key button click.""Access violation at address 00000000 read of address 00000000""Is displayed.


Game keeps freezing on the loading screen when I first start the game :( Is there something I can do to fix that?


Using Oculus link. Can it be started on other than SteamVR? ??SteamVR is heavy


dec 28th is may birthday lol




Hi I am having an issue, where there is no sound at all. I tried using it via steamvr as well and re downloaded twice. Anyone have any advice on how to make the sound work? Thanks!




For me if I pull up desktop in vr and click on it once it starts working. That is with my rift s


다운로드 링크클릭한후 로그인이 되지않고 작동하지 않는다.




HELP! I downloaded the game and I get past the first white pages but then the game freezes and crashes when I get to the planet page. It says D3D error. How can i fix it and if not can i get a refund please?


Probably missing dependencies. Dependencies are piece of software that relies on another one. In unreal engine folder there are some dependencies installers try to run these at Unrealgame\WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us




how to play harem mode


I want to play harem mode. My membership is onlooker. What membership should I have to play Harem Mode?


Hello Project Helius I Spend over 36$ why can't i download the latest build/ and can t get access pre order key steam ?


why people just never read.. obviously its not out yet...



東霖 吳

請問有關於這個月更新的任何消息嗎? 1月快過去了沒有任何相關資訊><




0.34 Waiting Room :)


do you mind if i sit next to you? i will take a prudent distance because of Covid hehe


请问初始化显示设置的文件在哪,删除了以后 总是以2560*1440全屏模式运行,进去就黑屏


Hopefully it shows up soon. It's getting a little crowded in here


oh boy here we go again with the rioting & impatience


0.34~~~ 0.34~~~


whoop take it easy, it is normal these days of the month to sit an wait. Just the expectation :D


You may delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\SaveGames\Setting.sav to reset the game.






Why can't I get the activation code为什么我领不了激活码


Why can't I get the activation code