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Notice 10/22:

Patreon is currently having an issue recognizing pledges made with currency other than us dollar. If your pledge goes through but can't access the download links, change your pledge currency to us dollar on Patreon and the problem will be solved.

Update 0.31 will be released tomorrow.

EDIT 10/2: We have confirmed various issues with some VR headsets in this engine version. A hotpatch for the VR version is going to be released next week. If you have found any bugs, please leave a comment under this post.


As stated on twitter 0.30 is the last milestone build before we implement the multiplayer orgy (harem mode) and story (campaign mode) to Operation Lovecraft. The harem mode is estimated to drop around end of year, and the campaign mode is coming in the first half of 2021.

In 0.30 we ported the game to the latest engine version to start laying foundations for ray tracing and hair grooming. 0.30 is also the last update focusing solely on Erika, Alet and Dr.Anya: with our motion capture studio which is moving to Tokyo due to covid threats fully functional by the end of November, the preparation for Cultists and Galatea's intimate scenes shall commence in October and should no critical issue arises you will be able to see them in the game around Christmas.

The only potential issue for now, however, is still Steam's attitude towards Galatea and some of the non humanoid monsters' designs. By far the feedback from Valve is vague and ambiguous at most, with the criteria changing from one staff to another. Most of the remarks can be condensed to "based on your description those things are in a grey area and it's impossible to tell whether they are acceptable out of context". This uncertainty can pose a serious threat to the development as we have witnessed multiple adult game takedowns performed by Steam, with victims ranging from Japanese to American developers. So if a consensus can't be reached by end of year for safety's sake we may proceed to add Galatea and Nodens' Chariot Hippokampoi (the horse monster)'s sex scenes to the online harem mode only, and hide them to players accessing directly from Steam. Patreon supporters can use your Patreon credentials to log in the online mode (this will also be handled by Patreon's API just like the distribution site and we don't access or store any personal info) so the censored contents will be available to you. This way we don't have to risk making a mess maintaining two different branches of the same project and conform to Steam's new rule prohibiting publishers from providing a more complete game version on another platform. 

That being said, new updates will still be released on a monthly basis. French, Deutsch, Spanish, Korean and Greek support will be added successively in the coming updates,  if you have sent me a translation support email (to projecthshop@gmail.com) you will receive a reply and invitation next month. A new map will also be added to the game, and soon you will be able to navigate the entirety of Archimedes Orbital Station freely via doors and elevators.

0.30 Changelog:

Added dummy UI buttons for the Campaign and Harem Mode

Added Russian support (beta)

New Monster: 


9 New Scenes and 1 Rework:

Erika + Ghast A 01
Erika + Ghast V 01
Anya + Ghast A 01
Erika + Hound Handjob 01
Anya + Dreamer Footjob 01
Anya + Dreamer A 03
Erika + Byakhee Handjob 01
Anya + Erika Double Dildo 01
Anya + Erika Lesbian 01
Swallow option for Erika + Deep One Handjob 01


Now you can edit the Denier value of Erika's maid uniform.
Pose switching gadget no longer interferes with menu operating.

Known Issues:

Penis skin sliding is not functional due to a bug in this engine version.




This is the worst news when it comes to Galatea. Will we be able to play online solo just to experience her content like we would with the other girls?


Yes, I will provide a feature for less social players to turn all other players in the session invisible. You will still be able to receive likes from other players tho and may miss the threesome scenes involving her.


A lot to take in with these news. I hope it works out with Steam but not having Galatea in the campaign more would honestly be a major downside to many. I understand this may be out of PH’s control though but I’m all in for a stand-alone Patreon version of the game. Not sure how feasible that would be but just my 2 cents.


Thank you for the prompt reply


Great update! Thank you for your hard work. Ghast animations look great! Can't wait to see more of him with Anya!


Anyway to provide hot key for oculus controller to finish in vr?


Please explore the possibility of a downloadable patch to enable the extra content. I guess using Patreon credentials is fine as long as it works, I just worry about it someday not working. Also please see my video bug report about hair color in the community tab. It’s been almost a month. Do you need to hire a community manager? I might start using that email address for my bug reports.


Any thoughts on enhancing the UI in the VR version? Feel like it's fallen significantly behind, and I'm having issues with new features - like I can't seem to trigger ahegao mode at all.


Hi, any thoughts on adding exercising outfits like yoga pants? Thank you!

Solvite Sekai

That feel when valve tells you what to think


They are within their rights though. But I hear you; it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow it though.


Replace the pinned post.


As long as we get that cutie Galetea in the end is all that matters haha <3


When you move around the station will it be click and move? third person? How will it be like?




I second this. Add the yoga pants that have the breathable mesh around the thigh area.


Finally. Have been waiting for proper gameplay.


so just to clarify, i need steam to play but the full version may require an extra step via patreon? and will there be plans to further optimise the game or should i expect the same amount (if not more) lags and jitters on the actual release? cause it seems to really eat into my memory when running it as of now, and even my CAD softwares dont give me this much problem and just curious but is there plans for continuous updates after its official release (even if not monthly) or will that be the planned final version of the game? really loving the dedication placed into this so keep at it!


will there be an offline choice for the orgy? or can it be considered?


No, you can access the online mode without launching steam at all. Yes optimization is on our to-do list, and we plan to continuously update the game post-release.


I cannot find the "Swallow option" anywhere, can someone tell me where is it?


Keep up the good work, I cannot wait for a full release!


I understand the problem with Galatea , but I'm hoping for the implementation of it.

Frank Leo

Thank You


Did the optimization or something change? 0.29 I was getting 55-60 fps now I only get 25-30 it seems.


I guess that's caused by the hair grooming system we tested on this version (although we removed it in the last minute it seems that it still impacts the performance somehow)


Still no gangbang??


Really wish there could be an offline mode for Harem mode, that could make it playable without actually connecting with other players. Internet connection aside. As for many people includes me, playing an adult game together with other real persons is an embarrassing experience (And Galatea is my favorite character). Make some simple AI that would do semi-random action base on the player's prechosened category would be a nice way to do it.






Пожалуйста сделайте игру так что бы не нужен был супер компьютер. Последний раз когда я запускал 0.29 я заметил хорошую просадку фпс (было играбельно но все же) просто если для этой игры понадобятся топовые комплектующие то я не смогу их купить. Взять ту же новую видеокарту от Nvidia - мне просто полжизни нужно работать что бы ее купить. Скажите пожалуйста подходящие системные требования и будут ли они расти? Раньше все части шли на максимальной графике и соответственно посадок не было. За ответ спасибо


Bug Anya - Elder Thing Denied Va02


is continous monthly subscription needed in order for playing online version?


How can I download? Your send me about3.0 mail. I've login already. But page comment need me login only. Too difficult.


Feedback • Main Menu: Still < 10fps when loading the release for the first time • Initial impression: In game performance slightly worse • Ghast initial impression: Ugly, generic, massive ugly cock... cool. • Erika X Ghast V01: Nice rough, how-ever 'rough' animation, good vocals from Erika. Erika's animation breaks when cumming outside. • Erika X Ghast A01: Hip twitch is weird. Really nailed Erika's expression, hot! Really like Erika's frusteration during the cumming outside animation. • Erika aghego: Can we make the facial expresions less twitchy? • Anya X Ghast: Another robotic animation. Absolutely nailed it with Dr. Anya's expression though! Cumming outside was also well executed. • Erika X Hound V01: Might of forgot to mention this but the neck & tongue still need to be fixed. • Erika X Hound HJ01: High quality aniamtion, good job! • Anya X Dreamer FJ01: Good, and showing that maternal charm! • Anya X Dreamer A03: Simple but still convincing. Good job on the sound effects. Choking Anya? Hot! • Erika X Byakhee HJ01: Sweet simple, woah... cool. • Erika X Anya Idle: That's kind of hot • Erika X Anya D01: Cool concept, but the animation isn't convincing. • Erika X Anya L01: Looks good. Erika has a broken back after climax though. • Erika X DeepOne HJ01: Erikas animation breaks/feet clip through floor during phase changes. The cum inside option is phenominal work. Nothing else new is sticking out to me at the moment. I know animation is hard as hell and that you'll have results from the motion capture soon. I'll continue to be honest in the meantime because I care. Edit: removed some things due to placebo effect after double checking against 0.29


В Project Helius заявили, что они экспериментируют с некоторыми новыми функциями серверной части. Похоже, мы все испытали худшую производительность с V0.30. Это должно быть исправлено в следующей версии.


你在https://www.projecthelius.com/登录以后那个reserve steam key的按钮有没有变成reserved?


You might have to adjust galatea's height and face a bit if you want to pass it off as just a "robot girl with a young appearance". Justifying the "loli" fetish is becoming increasingly difficult as time progresses. I personally don't like it but at the end of the day it's just a cgi model and animations.




How disappointing though, galatea was hyped for a long time now and of course I'll wait but I hope at least she gets a lot of animations when she gets released. As for the multiplayer sex animations, why? I get it that some people want this, but would you pls make it available for the single players too? At least for the sandbox? Sorry if I sound entitled, but this is by far the best adult game for me, I do care a lot about it.


In case of Galatea, as expected. Her look goes a bit too far to pass a western audiance (perhaps, if you adjust here face and turn down her "loliness" whit the hairstyle and height it is more of realistic). But what about the horse? I mean...we have a hound already but the horse is a problem? Never expected that.


When will galatea show up in-game btw? In the next release?


If I understand it, if steam refuses, galatea, and too animal creatures, will be removed or canceled in the single player version?


Forget about Steam, there are other shops out there.

William JCM

> "This way we don't have to risk making a mess maintaining two different branches of the same project and conform to Steam's new rule prohibiting publishers from providing a more complete game version on another platform." I remember that a VN was removed from Steam because while the VN itself didn't have the adult scenes accessible by playing normally, the assets were still in the game files, so I'd say that what you plan to do is risky, especially if Valve ever hears of it.

William JCM

Oh, also, the "new rule" actually prevents publishers from advertising non-Steam versions on Steam's various pages, like the Community Hub, so something like the website is still fine.


And thus it begins, the locking of content behind an online mode. Everyone hates it when it happens in any other game, they're not suddenly going to be happy with it in a porn game.


I'm feeling very conflicted. On the one hand steam's worldwide servers and auto update mechanism are very convenient to both the developers and players and can save everyone a ton of time, but on the other hand I hate seeing my work censored.


Around end of this year, or early next year if the negotiation with steam goes south.


Apparently drawing a loli and calling her a one thousand year old elf lady no longer does the trick these days.


Online? As in I have to interact in a porn game with strangers? WOW hard pass there bro. Please tell me I can do it offline since I really do not want to have to log in and interact with strangers. I find it embarrassing to play it alone let alone with others. A sex MMO would be a horrible time for me and other introverts... :(


Ugh, it's far from a MMO. Check out this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40612019


The last charge was a mistake, can I get a refund and cancel?


On WMR trigger doesn't start the game on latest version. It works on later versions but not this one. I do get a sound when I press both triggers but game does not start.


I guess unreal is playing trick with me after this update. Gonna check it out.


Ok, so I do unterstand that some things have to be hidden in an online mode and I do understand that within that online mode you can make all other players invisible. However it sounds like the threesome / gangbang animations will still be locked behind cooperation between more players, why? Why not give players the option to play the game completely alone but simply online? I get that this is a feature that some people are looking forward to but I don't get why you would lock away some of your stuff for people who just want to play alone.


Just a minor issue , why are there some scenes were Erika can't go full nude? There's always at least a few pieces on, namely the boots. I hope this is a bug


Regarding the issues with steam you could do a a thing like include the "non steam friendly" stuff as a dlc if that dosent work use the additional content that's "non steam freindly" as a mod or add on you can download from the site, have all the ports and plug ins able to run it with the content and without it and when ever a player downloads off of steam, they can ingame click on a link that leads to "the additional content" or have it on your website incase steam staff do a test play of your game, its an idea but your response is at your will and i do suport the idea of you guys putting it on steam, it will get put there.


illusion does that with their games on steam. You download a "Special" patch off their website for the lewd scenes that steam wouldn't allow.


There is a minor glitch with the deep one hand job of Erika, for the 'cum in' option, she doesnt open her mouth and the dick goes right throut her lower jaw. Thhere is also the Anya elder thing vaginal 2 where she just T pose fused with the monster.


we wanna turkish leangue


the glitch with the deep one comes normaly because of the face turn option. At least in VR

Draco Pendragon

Again i cant unzip the files :/ Same as at Version 0.29, on 100% it contains a Data Error with WindowsNoEditor.pack qwq


i think its your own trouble not rar file, both vr and desktop ver is fine with me....


我在9月份捐助过一次$50,这个月又赞助了$8,为什么在lastbuild里面无法下载最新版本?这里显示Sorry! your pledge has been declined by Patreon. Please double check your payment method on Patreon. :3而且在这之后我还能获得最新的版本而不捐赠么?


Question, i downloaded.. and try pressing "New game" and it takes me to the patreon page : https://www.patreon.com/posts/40335584 So i dont see a option that will let me play the game anymore?


so for some reason its saying that my patreon is doing somthing so i cant download it can i get a linkon here imsubscibed it just wont let me into the link site

Mr Stealth

Same here. Dont know if it requires a set amount of animations played through to unlock or if its bugged.


Cant seem to find the ghast, also it looks like the Dreamers transparent option is broken now.


Hi, it's just you need to be a $8+ Patreon or pledged as Capitalist tier before.


not sure where the best place to report bugs is but Erika Ghast Vaginal 1 cum outside animation is broken. Anya Elder Thing Vaginal 2 is completely broken as well, and the 1 anya byakhee scene is labeled Anya Dreamer Anal 01


The current VR version is unplayable with Index controllers due to the sensitivity of the grip buttons. The slightest touch to the grips seem to trigger a positional movement and there doesn't seem to be a way to disable it. Is it a regression?


dunno why but keeps leading to this page when i press new game or continue anything


So in short I don't pay STEAM I pay YOU right? Steam is nothing but a portal; they create ZERO content. The only reason they have opened to H-style games in the past year or so is they want a piece of that action! (NO pun intended) Steam begs you to support THEM, not the other way around. Yes they are a big portal, BUT guess what, I've got Bizzard client, Roblox client, gzdoom client, some wired "orgin" EA client that has my classic RedAlert2 and many other games it tries to sell me. Yeah and DL site... of course Point is! Client fits you! you DONT fit the client. If you censor your product I'll back off my support right now! Yeah you may keep an animation your working on for the "public Harem" yuck! but don't bullshit us. You will stop making CONTENT so you can be on steam, end of story. CREATE YOUR OWN CLIENT!!!! Outside steam, outside DL site, I've heard Dev's bitching about DLsites %cut! So cut them out! Those other Dev's you mention that steam nuked, INCLUDE THEM. We can name 5 games busting out of Patreon that have already censored content or only care to milk the patreon subscribers for infinity because they dont want a finished product! Whats wrong with this picture? Easy for me to tell you to create a client I know! but a logistical nightmare x10 for you, but the fact is there is a total void for an American/European based (non censored (blurred jap style or steam style) Hentai game PORTAL. There is a void... and just like in your game that void will be filled... ps. your already make a cutting edge game for the future of graphics (read you last post "im sure software will update soon to allow our hair") cards, for the future VR user. So why are you going to beg Steam so that you can make them money! They only way to negotiate is to remove YOUR support if they refuse. You've already got them on the ropes, because you cant get a solid answer.




WMR headsets do not seem to work with this version. Can't get past the Press trigger to start screen. Last worked in 0.28


Got it. It's likely to be a bug introduced by recent updates of unreal.


Hi, bought the 35 dollar tier, but i noticed that for steam you have to pay 36 dollars to get it?


Awesome update like always! BTW you guys have any plan on forced yuri or resisting/denying girl on girl thing?




A one-time elite tier pledge is enough to get the key when we enter early access.


I have no interest in playing this game on Steam. Will it continue to be available on your website after it launches on Steam?


Send me an email at projecthshop@gmail.com if you are interested in translation :3






Bug Anya - Elder Thing Denied Va02 我也有相同的bug 古老者和安娜直接穿模站在一起不动了 虽然是BUG但看上去也感觉不错


Thanks for the update! The grip- and trigger button sensivity is extremely high on the Valve Index controllers (worked perfectly fine in 0.29) - so much that basically just holding the controller activates them. But having a version for backers completely independent from Steam would be much appreciated.


Some problems with scenes were mentioned above, so wont say nothing about them. However unmentioned issue is, that Oculus touch controller key mapping is not working as it should in 0.30. Was working perfectly in 0.29. B is now A. Y is now X. Clicking top hat does not bring up the selector anymore (biggest issue imo).


steam key plz ㅠㅠ


Or, y'know, even if you don't make a separate client sell it privately on the existing website and/or itch.io or other platforms that don't require censorship. Steam is fickle, with an H-Game like this there's no telling when their censorship requirement may change or when they might decide to boot all H-Games entirely. I don't think you'd lose out on that many sales by keeping the release off Steam, or releasing it on Steam but also releasing a separate privately available "uncensor patch" that re-enables those H-scenes similar to what some Illusion games, Winged Cloud games, or other H-Games on Steam do. And on a personal note, I'm not interested at all in the online mode so making Galatea's and the Hippokampoi's scenes only available there is essentially cutting them from the game for me and others like me.


Is there going to be another referendum on whether the backers would still like to see the game on Steam even if it means content is essentially being cut (restricted to the online harem mode only that some people may not be interested in), especially since there's no telling whether Steam's censorship requirements with regard to other characters/scenes in the game may change (or even their stance on H-Games entirely)? Personally I'd rather see the game move to a different distribution platform, or only be available privately from your own website, if that was the case. Or at the very least release on Steam with an uncensor patch available that re-enables those scenes outside of the online mode (such as the kinds available for Illusion or Winged Cloud games).


Cool update, keep up the good work! Does that mean there are no more animations for the existing girls? would love to get more Anya+Erika % Anya+Alet Animations!




我之前提过几次,希望物理系统在后续里能更优化一些,比如倒立姿势头发垂直向下,胸也是朝地面垂 而不是向肚脐垂。这次更新后我发现安雅博士在某个姿势下有一只胸可以向地面垂了,虽然只是一只,不过也有点小惊喜了,还希望更完善些。会继续支持你们的 😄


再顺便问下,以后游戏里会加入互动吗?像i社那样,vr手柄碰一些部位时候角色会有回应之类的? 非vr就鼠标点有回应? 好想玩球😂😂 我看以前你们很少会回复诶,希望多抽出点时间和粉丝们交流下呗。


Oculus stick functionality gone. Graphics have black ragged edge around periphery in Rift headset with i7 RTX 2080ti setup.


Hi, need some help for brazilian portuguese translation? I don't have any previous experience, but a good english and native portuguese, I will love to help this amazing game




Honestly, the loli fans can really just go fuck off. It was a mistake to even make it a game option. Complain about censorship all you want, at the end of the day it involves a subject that is skirts way too close to being criminal activity, even in jurisdictions where the rest of this legal. Most of the fans of this fetish are creepy af anyway...

Juha Linna

Valve Index. Need to remap triggers and grip. Also radial selection for pose not working.

Michael Simkins

I'm not trying to get kicked off here, but "That Guy If" started it by opening his mouth and provoking someone who can tell the difference between real and "made-up"!

Michael Simkins

I'm serious, if he can get away with talking trash about a fetish that has nothing to do with real underage people and use that same kind of foul language I can, then why is always ME that Patreon picks on and harasses and removes?! It's not MY fault I live on the Autism Spectrum!


Great work as always, however I'm a little disappointed that even though this was the last update we didn't get more animations with Byakhee. In my opinion those are some of the best animations and it's too bad we didn't get more. Just 1 hand job was added, which to me, is nothing.


Couldn't you make the Steam-prohibited stuff an addon that can be downloaded outside of steam? Like, Koikatsu party has the base game on Steam, but people can download uncensored content patches offsite.


Steam just announced a new rule prohibiting similar approach last month. We will see how it unfolds.


Worry not, we will still add new poses for them until next milestone build.


I feel that three double penetration is a must!


I'd be happy if the index controller scheme went back to the previous version


I mean steam has song of Saya on it this seems a little stupid to me. But that sucks hope it works out.


Dude calm down its alright. Also nice portrait.




This seems like the most buggy release up to date. Do devs check updates themselves or you have a QA team on bugs? Also what bugtracking system do you use? I'm just interested about the process :)


There aren't any swallow option for Erika+Deep one hybrid. Also game should really add a "pull out" option with a creampie effect after a internal cumshot. Also maybe on/off x-ray effect in the future? Also the semen texture and animation is one of worst quality I've seen compared to other games. And that's about it for now. Keep up the great work though!


Bug. Depth of Field is not working in .30. Works as intended in .29.


VRモード スタート画面でトリガーを引いても反応せず。 ゲームが始まりません。


The Dr Anya - Elder Thing animation one spawns Dr Anya inside the elder thing and then doesn't play for me


Hi. its wont start in mine. its said failed to open descriptor file.




I feel we need more action


我英文不是很好哈,我没理解错的话,以后会加入的 lovecraft 是故事线内容是吧? 是atc类型的吗? 明年能开放试玩吗?有点等不及了。还有 那个哥特萝莉的人设感觉很棒的样子,什么时候会加进来? 我明年年初就要回国了,我还有机会吗QAQ


I had an issue where the resolution would for some reason drop to the lowest option at random intervals. I think the options pane is bugged.


Or not have to be online at all to do that kind of stuff? Personally, I don't see the appeal to playing an H-Game with other people - it's more of a "private" experience. Putting content in multiplayer-only, or even online-only, is essentially equivalent to not having those features in the game for someone who doesn't want to play any multiplayer aspects of an H-Game.


I'm right there with you. Personally H-Games are a... private... experience, not something I would imagine wanting to participate in as a multiplayer experience. As such I have no intention of playing the multiplayer aspect, so locking animations/scenes to multiplayer or online mode is essentially equivalent to cutting them from the game. At the very least, everything should be available for viewing in the sandbox / scene gallery mode even if it's not in the campaign.


+1. H-Games are a very personal experience, personally I couldn't imagine playing one in a multiplayer setting. Especially with such "non-vanilla" content. Would much rather that all the content be available without requiring interacting with other players in multiplayer. To me, that would be like sitting in a room with a bunch of strangers and all masturbating together to a porno. Even though I don't know them personally, it's still... weird, not my cup of tea.


Pretty please can we get an update to the index controller? Right now it's set where you use the grip to move the view, but that's really not ideal for an erotic game for many reasons. Please can you put it back on the a or b button.


Why do we have to wait for steam approval till december or january?, I mean... You could release galatea sooner via your website.


Really liked the Ghast scenes. We need more :)


Wow lots of posts, so let me give my 2 cents specifically on the loli subject; and sounds like your in hot water about the "beastie" monsters too. So I'd guess you've told some/many/all of your animators and workforce that this game wont just be cheap smut, that it will be released on a "noteworthy platform" (I'll bet your working with some real talent that doesn't just care about a paycheck they want a resume worthy project aka cutting edge steam release that was sold to them in the mission statement) Likewise you've got some heavy patreons that were sold something too So in the end who do you piss off? Could your game afford to lose it's cutting edge staff? Thanks to covid I bet there are lots of e-commerce options and offers. Can you afford to lose the backers? Patreon is by nature people supporting nothing but hope. And the nature of hope is sometimes you get let down. They only way to keep that alive AND continue with steam, is to keep if not the exact requests, their essence and spirit alive and well in your game. Step 1: make an Acup smaller steam compliant character!!! Step 2: dont call the new monster a sea-"horse" with a with a horse **** lol follow the steam guidelines to the letter to satisfy team, while progressing the backers agenda and fetish forward AS MUCH AS IT CAN POSSIBLY BE DONE via this games "platform".


Whenever I try to launch the campaign it just opens up a web browser.




Can rtx3080 run this game at 4K 144Hz?


seems like alet hasn't been getting much lately :c


Keep up the amazing work!


The "T" button doesn't work on Dr.Anya


So with the monsters that cause cumflation, when they ejaculate in the mouth, do you think it would work if you could make the girl’s cheeks puff up and show her taking big gulps on her throat? Along that line of thought, i notice that you can see a bump on their belly when some of the bigger guys thrust in. Maybe could make a similar effect on the throat for forced oral scenes. Just some ideas.


I am wondering if campaign mode is available now on 0.30, or not playable until the first half of 2021?


PH, just a reminder that your pinned post on Twitter is still from Nov, 19 for 0.20


Can you help me, I miss EKC6420.dll file


那个dr.Anya和elder thing的vigina1在我电脑上不能显示


I'm really not into steam version of the game.I don't want to see locked content for single player mode.I also share my steam library with friends so it would not be cool for them to see that I play porn games with monsters lol...I hope you guys make non steam version of the game too.


a required .dll file ekc6420.dll was not found


when i click on campaign new game or continue the game doesnt start but it pops up a patreon page what is this??


Easypro, those are just stand in buttons for now. Campaign hasn't been implemented just yet.


I'm not able to run the VR version. The hourglass appears and everything freezes and stops responding. Using an Oculus Rift S here.


It’s a dummy button for now until that feature is implemented. For now it’s just the gallery. (Button below it)


Controller is not activated when i use window mr


bug report: 1. dreamer opacity and skin color does not work. 2. change of resolution will automatically jump back to 720p under full screen even after confirmed. 3. press esc in game = program quit.


Bug report: The 0.30 release has changed the Valve Index knuckles controller mapping. The grip is now insanely sensitive, to the point where it's almost impossible to control the game. The thumbpress dial control appears to have been removed. Can anyone suggest a way to change the Valve Index default controller mappings? They were fine in 0.29.


Please fix VR ;_;


Exactly the same problem here as well.


Hi, please tell me where to vote and offer ideas for the game?


こちら側に視線を向けるよう設定したら顔が痙攣します 修正してください


wouldn't mind seeing alert with the elder thing


I joined the patreon because of the fallen doll demo, im not into the beastiality stuff i just want hot chicks in many different positions, why does a dog being jerked off have to load in first??? its such a turn off, can we not just have the girl load in n then from there whoever likes what you do you. Also its great we can turn off the models of the monsters but again such a turn off hearing their grunts n noises, unusable for me, can we get an option to turn off the monster noises?? with these simple changes im happy to continue supporting but if not then ill leave it as that. great work anyways game looks amazing


the download link won't work for me still! I've waited over a day and it still keeps asking me to pledge yet I already have. PLease help!


You need to be in the 8$ tier or higher to access thew newest builds.


Operation Lovecraft 0.30 VR.Ver I can't start  because I can't use the trigger on the menu screen.


so I am missing a dll it says


So I pledged but I can only download the demo still


im in the same boat, it says if your a new member return later and wait, i assume to unlock


can add character from the move aline spider plz?


The V0.30 crashes at startup, freezing windows. had to restart. both the normal and the VR release. V0.29 and before just worked fine. (happens also at the latest normal fallen doll version, the VR version works just fine..) any advice?


Anya's deny iteration with Elder thing is broken.


I want a camera function from a girl's point of view. Currently, when the camera is set to the girl's point of view, the inside of the face is displayed and it is difficult to see. So I want to make the girl's face transparent and play it from the girl's point of view.


Operation Lovecraft 0.30 VR.Ver I can't start  because I can't use the trigger on the menu screen.??????


Operation Lovecraft 0.30 VR.Ver I can't start  because I can't use the trigger on the menu screen.


What is the normal timescale from pledging the tier to unlock the full game to being able to download? I ask as I joined sunday morning and when I log in to downloads page I'm only allowed to download the demo? I'm in the onlooker bracket so I believe I'm eligible to download the full build? Payment has went through in my bank and under billing patreon confirms this


There is a bug in the scene between DR Anya and the Elder Thing. Dr Anya is inside the Elder Thing and not in front.


Should be a matter of minutes. There's probably an issue in the backend with the game's website not syncing properly with Patreon's services API. Some other people are having the same issue.


Its been 24 hours I believe, since I pledge, can't download! What do I need to do?


hey,the fallen doll link is dead ,i cant downd the game ,can you do something?


It is because you did not pledge in us dollars and instead in your local currency so Patreon did not recognize that pledge. It is Patreon's problem and I'm reporting this issue right away.


Make sure you anti virus application did not delete the file involved.

Black swords man

i have alsio pleged to this as onlooker and still cant access the latest builds can anyone help with this issue??


I'm also having this issue. None of the links in any of the builds are working...... I got it working but is it really necessary to have us go through all those websites filled with adware and spyware?


I got it working but I'm curious as to why we have to go through 4 sites filled with adware and spyware to get to the download?


It is because you did not pledge in us dollars and instead in your local currency so Patreon did not recognize that pledge. It is Patreon's problem and I'm reporting this issue right away. You can change your payment currency to us dollar and the problem will be solved.


The wetransfer link does not work for you? Why going through 4 sites? The game file is not separated into parts.


If I remember correctly, a previous post mentioned that we would be getting The Elder Thing, Ghast, and the horse on .29, .30, and .31 respectively. Is that still the case for .31?


The Hippokampoi will come with Galatea in the harem mode, which is estimated to be in the next milestone build (roughly 3-4 updates from 0.31)

Tom Tomm

When is the Steam final version supposed to come out again ? And can interrupt my pledge if i already signed up on the website for total pledge amount being enough to receive the rewards ?'


Yes you can. We estimated to enter early access on steam next year.

Michael Simkins

How do I play the Desktop version of Fallen Doll beta and Operation Lovecraft 3.0, and not via Steam? It's not loading and there's nothing going on!

Michael Simkins

Also, when Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft is finished, is there any way I can get a disc version or an .iso image copy of it? I don't play games solely online, I'm attached to my optical disc preference, I like having a physical product to play! I'll raise my Tier next Thursday, but in the meantime I'd appreciate it if y'all would consider making the Desktop version as either a working .exe game or make a physical DVD copy as my preferred method of installation and a reliable method of running the game! As I've tried to run both Fallen Doll beta and whatever Paralogue 3.0(what is that in English? Is it Operation Lovecraft or not?) is, they don't start at all and I preferably run Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on my custom-built PC... and I will not be upgrading an OS I'm comfortable with at all!


.31 on schedule for today?


Day isn’t over yet. At least not in the west coast :D


Has 0.31 been released yet? If so I don't see it


0.31 GKD


好像還沒發佈消息,還是我訂閱不夠?? 我是訂閱8美金


they are missing ?


found the problem. it was my firewall. happened in other games too.


Any updates?


I really want to know why I set the resolution to 2560*1440, but it is still fuzzy. Does anyone have similar situation? Thank you for your answer.








Maybe this a dumb question, but there are tons of great features and elements from Fallen Doll, great poses animations, would it be possible to integrate some into Operation Lovecraft?