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The preparation work took longer than expected. As a token of my apology all new backers who started pledging from 19th to 22th have their voting power doubled in September's monthly poll, and can have their ID added to the credits without supporter tier requirement. Please send a direct message to me containing the ID you want to be listed in the credits as.

I‘m adding previous build to the site now. The distribution site's new features will roll out gradually next month. Thanks for your patience :3




Showing no data on the latest build or legacy build list?


Same here. :(


tried to activate license, but error occurs (Lkgl6420.dll)


Same error here :(


I'm also having the same error message about that .dll missing. I'm not running it on a USB, and I tried running as administrator.


Sometimes the filenames give a clue, but this image is titled 1.jpg.


Please make sure your anti virus application did not block the program from running :3


1.31b is the latest version for Fallen Doll? Though i saw that version a month ago


Patreon now changes the name of images uploaded. The caption was Alien Egg :3


So I've been getting the same error for both games when I try to apply a key, https://imgur.com/NmdyN7l This is the error


Latest Build for Paralogue says its 0.185 while the Legacy Build says 0.18a, are they any different? And also, is FallenDoll 1.31b suppose to have story mode?


It's gotta be something's testacle or eye of a fly


1 The legacy build is normally a stable build, and the latest an early access build. 2 Yes, we will add story mode to Fallen Doll.




Standard Weyland-Yutani Protocols says you must immediately poke at it with a 2 foot long stick. If nothing happens it safe to lick.

Frank Leo

Do I need to download the games again for new features? ... or are their builds still the same?


CDK 一直报错 这个什么情况? 大佬= = 麻烦回个话。。。。复制黏贴也是报错 这里发不了截图还。。。


Please tell me where the distribution page is???? Many thanks!


I cant click story mode for Fallen Doll, when will it be added?


quick question, is there no way to change male genitalia size in fallen doll? Or any other female base models?


We are adding male customization to Paralogue. As for Fallen Doll, there won't be substantial changes to the sex system.


the site keeps saying im not a patreon what can i do


nvm right after i posted that it worked dam pc making a fool of me

Adm Trd Ferg

Is that a swollen testicle?


Will the Alien Egg be a part of the egg laying fetish content from the poll, or will that be another type of egg ?


So I see now in Paralogue many if not all of the monsters' names are directly from the Cthulu mythos, but Paralogue is apparently in a sci-fi setting and now this alien egg, so is the story mode of gonna be Lovecraftian or they are just convenient tentacles?


Fallen Doll's sequel is a Cthulhu Mythos inspired dungeon crawler with deck building elements. If you read my previous posts with "index" tag you will have a firmer grasp over the plot settings.


When will you add real gameplay?The deckbuilding part etc. For now both game are just having good animations.


hi, i just join the Laborer, i download the 1.31b from the Legacy Builds, but the key generated shows invalid when I input to the game......please help


Hi, pls make sure your firewall and anti virus application did not block the program from running.


i off the firewall, and sure noth blocking the program.........and there is no problem on program run. Just the key from the legcy is invalid.


Can you show me a screenshot? Maybe you mistook L with I, or 0 with O? You can also try to use the VR code on the desktop version, they are interchangeable.