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Time to shed some light on Fallen Doll's completion. I have now completed compiling scripts for Fallen Doll's story mode, the finished game will be available in three languages: English, Japanese and Chinese. With new blood in our team we'll be able to maintain the current pace of update on Paralogue, and in the meantime wrap up Fallen Doll in the next several months.

In the story mode you play as Dr. Morgan, the director of Fallen Doll project in year 2049. A decommissioned ex-military android, Erika, is under your supervision in her retraining program to work as a sexbot. It is a short story, but has multiple endings.

Erika works as a PR tool mainly. Sexual live shows, adult video filming and nightclub service can help you promote the campaign. She can also be used to arrange a private lobbying meeting with a vip to gain influential advocates inside the six major potential customer groups: Student, Laborer, Clerk, Elite, Capitalist and Bureaucrat (Aristocrats). Each consumer group provides unique perks if their satisfaction is high: for example, student tier consumers do not have much market value comparing with other groups, but you can launch internship programs to accelerate research speed if you are popular among them. Every week you communicate with Erika through the machine learning interface to check in on her mental and physical status, or invest money and research points to upgrade her hardware. Meanwhile you also need to make sure that the project succeeds commercially: As a subsidiary of the emerging tech giant DMAIC, you will have to balance the focus on different departments of the company and make strategic decisions to expand the company's market value, until you acquire enough fund to retire.

We are adding new features for the distribution site to enable Capitalist+ tier backers to take part in polls without any further pledge, and for Elite+ tier backers you can decide what ID you want to be logged in the credits with, or if you wish to be credited at all.



Story mode sounds impressive. Great stuff. Will the player need to complete the game to ‘unlock’ all scenes or can we just skip to the preferred sex scenes?


You still have the endless mode with everything unlocked from the beginning.


Cool, any chance the new tech will be put in fallen doll or is that set in stone?


Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control?


so 论坛啥时候能恢复工作?


关于Fallen Doll这听起来也是明年的计划了,但我仍然比较喜欢Fallen Doll的Erika,这使我感到安心,但愿不是纯粹的看动画。 对于现在的Paralogue,说真的我对恶心的怪物与生硬的互动真的没多大兴趣,Paralogue现在给人的感觉是无趣或者说无聊,尽管她有一副好看的皮囊,看起来这也只是质量较高的H动画了,请加油吧。








Hello, new backer here. Small question: When I try to access the distribution site, cloudflare simply indicates to me that the website is down. I assume this is related to the above mentioned maintenance, even though that is very light on details. Is there anyway for me to obtain your software currently or will I have to wait? If I have to wait, when do you expect this maintenance to be over?


Working on it right now, it's likely to be finished in a few hours.


can you discuss any additional features that will be added to fallen doll? Would love to see more outfits/positions/hairstyles for Erika


Stupid question of the day. I paid from August 2017- November 2018 for $8 a month. Will I get Fallen Doll uncensored (with cheat codes if needed) or will I need to do the $25 one to make sure I get it? I really enjoyed the game when I could play it and willing to pay more if it guarantees that I will get this game. I just couldn't afford to give you guys more money until recently.


Fair point i bought game, now cant play.


So wheres my money


like u said the site would be down 2 hours and its 24 hours later


not like im on a countdown timer or anything.


oh wait


so cancel my membership and pay me back what i spent, or ill report this transaction as fraudulent. with only so little time to play the game and the fact it s a monthly service on top of that with the cost alone being way out of proportion, i reckon thats grounds to take something to fair trade.


first and last experience ill be having with patreon. just at least tell us how long the worst timeframe is coz ur press release about it had no detail at all.


I'm not asking for money back, they can keep my money! I just want to make sure I get the game. I pretty sure the answer is yes but I wanted to make sure. I don't like to assume.


I can assure you, Project Helius does quality work and while it is taking time, every update to the build is significant and worth the wait.


The site is still down...


Error 521 Ray ID: Web server is down


When will the site be up


Looks like the site is back up! Hooray! Doesn't look like there are any builds available at this moment, though :(


The site is back online now. The maintenance does not occur often. Hope you enjoy the game! Btw you do not need to subscribe monthly. As long as you pledged a total of $24 you shall get the game once completed. You will also gain access to the legacy builds without the need of further donation :3


As long as you pledged a total of $24 you shall get the game once completed. You will also gain access to the legacy builds without the need of further donation :3


So if I'm an capitalist. Do I have the better vote power for poll for ever?


You have 10X power for the first month, and 1X power for all following months.


It's not that simple. But yes we were changing the site to SSL based.


Any release date for fallen doll?