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Now with the Paralogue released, the amount of resource allocated to development of the base game and Paralogue is dependent on the poll outcome.




Please stop the animal/alien stuff that is too weird and go back human content that made you popular. I have already downgraded my support to Onlooker. Will be stopping soon if this goes on.


I don't mind the animal/alien stuff. Some people here are so boring with their vanilla inclinations.


I think extending more freedom about the gama can wild the backers,also alough I don't quiet mind the animal stuff,but I do think they are for a relatively small group of people.


How do you find your own Patreon ID? Is it the email you signed up with?


Keep up the good work, i love the animal/alien stuff.


Seem that people are not amused with changes. 4500=>4000. Same here bit bored with 5 animation, no story mode, 0 communicate about it, no answer for my question...


I for one don't like the animal/alien stuff.


A total of $24+ pledge will get you the full uncensored game upon completion. Does that include $24?


It would seem that I, like many of your supporters, specifically pledged for Fallen Doll as describe on the top of your Patreon page. If you would like to raise funds for another project, by all means it is your right, but please create a separate Patreon page. I do not appreciate having my money used for a project that I am not interested in.


paypal终于鼓捣好了,可算是支持上了(ง •_•)ง


I think people understand that you are not charging extra for "bonus" content. I think the reason some people are getting frustrated, is that money pledged specifically for Fallen Doll is being used (your time is being used) to create a product that is very different. At the expense of the original project.


Understandable. I'll appraise the priority of different aspects of the project after receiving the poll results. Don't vote for the xenos in the poll if you are not into monster sex. Actually monster sex was requested by a considerable amount of backers in the past, so it's likely that many upholders of vanilla sex did not participate in the polls, which may have led to biased results.


Thank you for the Poll! This is a great way to refocus the team's efforts and give the community exactly what they want. Also when in it comes to the poll. I would suggest forcing the community to pick the exact sex position they like the most instead of assigning 1 to 4 stars for each one. Because I pick 4 stars for every category, vaginal anal, feet, foreplay. Its probably better to say "What is your favorite position, Pick One." A. Vaginal, B. Anal, C. Oral. Etc. This will help you gauge where the most effort should be placed. Keep up the good work !


People do have preference - nearly 40% voted 1 for footjob, that's why there's no footjob contents in the Paralogue so far.


I bet "balanced approach" wins in a landslide, but I voted to focus on FD1/story mode. The paralogue excites me more, but that is only because we don't know anything about story mode. I just want FD1 to be completed so you guys can apply what you learn from it to paralogue/FD2 and focus on them and make faster progress for the impatient ones.


i dont care your development line up, but i wait always this. tentacle!


Don't felines have spikes on their dicks or some shit? Poor Alet