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Hello everyone! Yet another busy week.

After some research into illumination model for glass rendering, we revamped the original design of Kabejiri (??, i.e. buttock stuck in a wall). Instead of opaque material, we decided to deploy our new frosted glass shader onto the instrument so the player can enjoy the sight of her body from behind.

1.17 is ready to go, but we are going to collect the votes from September poll first and add two most popular sex scenes before rolling it out. You shall receive the link to the poll within about an hour.

Oh, and I will be around to answer for your comments and messages tomorrow.




Any news on Vive tracked Controllers for VR ? Thank you


We will start testing its performance in 1.18, so you will see it at around end of this month.


Did you guys consider implementing a fluid model? Textures are nice, but a fluid model could add a lot to the game. Imagine the possibilities...


The bottleneck is framerate and hardware performance for now. There are a whole lot of crazy stuff we can do about fluid and particles, but Unreal is not a highly optimized engine, as you might already know...


hey guys, can you add a teleport feature? Something like in Robot Recall where i can even change the direction while teleporting. I know there is free movement but it makes be motion sick... i have to close my eyes everytime i move around. Thats a bit annoying :)


is there anything that works with occulus VR right now? I can't find it


Just to confirm (and make sure I'm not going crazy here) this cannot be viewed in VR on the Oculus, correct? I just became a patreon and have been messing around in the 2d Version but can't seem to get it to come up on my Headset.


There were some VR builds released before (the latest one being 1.15.5), but Oculus controller support has not been fleshed out. Builds with more in-depth support will be out at around end of the month.


Poll going to be up soon?


It's already been several hours later...... When can we see the link?


Is the "Patreon ID" our current username?


Yep, but make sure you don't change it before we finish collecting all votes, likely in one or two weeks


Do I need Oculus Rift + Touch? or only need Headset?


Is there gonna be support for android? ) like my galxay note 8 would great for the game cuz it has a stylus as well


I pledged as student the past months, but had to cancel for this month due to some issues with my card. Could you pm me the link?


I approve. Frosted glass is best glass.


I doubt it has enough graphics capability to run the game smoothly...


Hi, I pledged for the 25$ tier last month, had to cancel it this month for reasons. I have not received the uncensored version or the latest version either. Can you pm me the link to it?




I am a pledger and it's been 2 months that I cannot find any links for me to download and no link has been sent to me at ALL


Is there any chance of a Desktop version for linux ? Also, since OpenVR / SteamVR now works on linux, could this be looked into ?


when will the 1.17 be published.


I wonder when 1.17 would be released as well......


Whats the relase date for 1.17 now?


where can I get version 1.17? i'm labourer lvl


it almost end of the week but still no 1.17 version lol


Patience I'm sure they've got a handful of things to work on and iron out.


Onlooker here, waiting for 1.17 to feature the game on our site. Keep up the good work.