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As far as I remember, this episode has the worst instance by far of unneeded flash-backing / over-explanation. There is a couple more times this arc where info gets doubled down on, but they're pretty short. Afterwards I think it mostly doesn't happen.




I remember watching this episode for the first time and wanting to binge the whole series afterwards. It showcases more about nen and how fights work and I found it is so promising because Ihad a hard time imagining how could this get power creep when the fight outcome was decided by strategy, composure and information. As someone that has watched this a few times, the flashback section was quite noticeable but I’m glad it’s passable for a first time watcher.


Hisoka has always been my favorite character as well. To me his seeking of powerful opponents and his thrill for the kill and the mind games makes him the most interesting and entertaining character to me. You never know what he might do, he's unpredictable. Even the fact that he is quite twisted makes me laugh. And his ability is quite versatile. I just love him, I think about getting a tattoo of him at some point 🥰


Bungee gum- *eyeing the comment section* *here it comes.jpg* freaking hilarious thumbnail !


Hey folks, it was brought to my attention that this didn't unlock for the $5 tier, It's been fixed now, sorry about that. It was pinned but didn't unlock for some reason.