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I adore this episode the setting is wonderful, and the ending is sad I love Clara so much, she is truly my favorite companion just became a little too much like the doctor, and Capaldi at the end his emotions and expressions his not knowing what to do works sooo well, the angry and sadness in the doctor always works soo well for me just him threatening to bring the Daleks and everyone, raining hellfire on her, all of it works so well for me They have their duty of care for each other and they have my whole heart This episode always breaks my heart loved seeing your copeium at the end hoping for Clara


I'm glad to see there's others who Clara was the favorite companion of. She's such an interesting one to place.


2 for 2 with Stephen Moffat, giving us our companion farewells mid-season. OK it's close to the end, but still wasn't the finale like RTD used to do. Absolutely catches you off guard this one. Great reaction, can't wait to hear your post thoughts.


RTD was definitely more consistent than Moffat, but Moffat arguably reached greater heights.