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Don't worry, things will get more interesting soon. Hope you don't drop this show in its early stages


He's been saying he has been enjoying the show a lot and that it's a breath of fresh air. I don't think he has made any major complaints about the show so far.


Definitely a very aesthetically pleasing episode. I wanted to write about something else but can't hide it in the comment like I can on youtube. Unfortunate.


HxH has some longer build-up/set-up periods, but it rewards the audience with some great pay-offs. And even the slower bits have a sense of fun. I think it is a good sign that he is enjoying the Hunter Exam Arc, since many people complain about the 'slow' start of the show (not me, I love it).


Not sure why you feel the need to say this since he has made zero complaints so far. And I don't think he's the type to drop shows before giving them a good chance