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It's always interesting for me to put the mental pieces together of what scenes/moments are in which upcoming episodes. This one and Episode 16 have obvious similarities (so much so that I merged them in my mind a bit), and also I don't know if you noticed but the second title for this episode "Weaving a story 2" puts it as a sequel to Episode 14. In my incorrect memory Ep16's second title was "Weaving a story: Splitting of the breast", so I'm not sure what to make of the Ep20-Ep14 connection. Perhaps it has to do with both using reused a lot of repeated animation/frames to tell a story, which I had forgotten happened in this episode. What I remembered from this episode was basically the mummified Eva-01, the sequence of "Do you want to become one with me?" and Shinji's 'rebirth'. The repeated footage edited to be new and different is really effective though. The hard cut to silence then Rei and Shinji on the elevator has always been a very memorable moment to me. It creates such a bizarre feeling of deja vu and it fits so well with scenes exploring an inner mental state. And I love when the "enemy" turns from the angel to Gendo. As you said the flashing imagery is too fast to catch everything, but I think that's what Eva does well at by pushing the limits of information the brain can absorb. It's very much a "feel and contemplate first, think and analyze second" type of show. Evangelion made it right before that infamous Porygon Pokemon episode that forever put restraints on flashing imagery in Japanese media, so they're able to get away with such intense cuts. I agree with you about the Misato-Rei-Asuka trio having interchangeable qualities. Asuka could also be considered a sister figure just because of the argumentative nature of her dynamic with Shinji as well as living in close-quarters, and Rei could be considered a traditional love interest with meeting Shinji first and him feeling drawn to her from the beginning (and Rei also works as a maternal figure (you noted she and Misato both feeling more maternal than Asuka, but this is compounded by the fact that before Shinji identifies the smell as that of his mother, he contemplates it being Rei or Misato, but not Asuka) -- honestly Rei can slot into either three of the dynamics, haha). On Rei, I think the child Rei appearing behind Shinji is unique and that in Ep16 it was child Shinji appearing behind him, not Rei (could be wrong but sounded like you were saying the shot was identical to Ep16) Unit-01 looks so terrifying in that state. Very angel-like as you said, and I don't know if you caught it in editing but you actually said "the angel" instead of "the Eva" at one point in the discussion. Also yes, I forgot how different Asuka's voice sounds in that scene within the Eva. This ties into an idea I like about this episode which is also mentioned in Episode 16 with the different selves in an other's mind. I like how it cuts from the gentle maternal naked Misato in Shinji's mind to the real Misato in the Nerv uniform and sternly watching the retrieval operation. This isn't to say that the Misato in Shinji's mind is reduced to a sexualized feminine figure, as he also thinks of her a lot as a cold authoritative figure more akin to Gendo (side note: The shot of Misato in the doorway from the end of Episode 2 shrinking down into the shadows is another iconic repeat shot for me), but I just love the contrast and how it emphasizes these characters' individuality and independence in a way. Same with Asuka and Rei, as we technically only see those entities once in the episode in very brief scenes that routinely check up on them, but the concept/idea of them is prevalent throughout the entire episode in the Shinji/Eva mentalspace. I like how angsty and human Asuka and Misato feel outside of the Eva mindscape. Oh, and she wasn't really injured because in the previous episode it was Unit-02 that got decimated, but after incapacitating her the Angel walked past her and onto HQ. Back to Misato, as you noted the voice acting is so strong in differentiating the contrasting sides to her, as we see her lying with Kaji. I really like the implication that Kaji is possibly the only person Misato has ever slept with, despite there being 8 years where she was single. It's one of those small character details that fits so well, like Rei not eating meat, though this one more significantly ties into the narrative's overall themes. The Misato and Ritsuko dynamic continues to be integral to many of the show's themes. Science and emotion, the brain versus the heart/soul... I like the tired/defeated "here we go again" feeling of Misato slapping Ritsuko compared to Ep16. The techs in HQ just having to watch and cringe, and Ritsuko also just stands there and scowls. But Misato's frustration is also understandable, especially when she feels like she's the only one who actually cares about Shinji's safety and wellbeing. Man, I could go frame-by-frame on some of these quick cuts forever. I notice something new every time, like them using the genga for the Gendo (and probably the Shinji ones later as well) cuts: https://i.imgur.com/EEYSKfB.png . This is yet another sign that these techniques are stylistic and with the tone of the story. There's no reason for them to do this to "save money" or whatever and it would only add extra work.


The next two episodes are my two favorite in the entire series. I'm very excited for your take on them.


Gubhtugf ba guhzoanvy bs gur arkg rcvfbqr? Zl cvpxf: svefg ybbx ng lhv, traqb jvgu nxntv oruvaq uvz, erv va gur pbeevqbe ybbxvat ng nxntv, lbhat genhzngvfrq zvfngb, ynfg ybbx ng xnwv


Zl vafgvapg sbe gur arkg rc unf nyjnlf orra gur fubg bs Traqb naq Nxntv. V unir gubhtug bs Lhv'f snpr nf n zrzbenoyr fubg sbe guvf rcvfbqr, ohg jbaqre vs vg'f gbb cynva sbe n guhzoanvy. V qba'g erzrzore n zrzbenoyr (yby) fubg bs Erv V va gur pbeevqbe, ohg vg pbhyq or gung. V srry yvxr genhzngvmrq Zvfngb be Xnwv ybbxvat ng gur pnzren ner pbagraqref, ohg nera'g fcrpvsvp rabhtu nf rapncfhyngvbaf bs jung gur rcvfbqr vf nobhg. V ubarfgyl pna'g guvax bs znal sbe guvf rcvfbqr rira gubhtu V'ir orra uvtuyl nagvpvcngvat vg. Gur rcvfbqr nsgre, ubjrire, gurer'f n ybg bs cbffvoyr barf. Puvyq Nfhxn va gur erq yvtugvat ybbxvat ng ure zbgure, gur qbyy urnq/unatvat, puvyq Nfhxn ybbxvat ng cyht fhvg Nfhxn penqyvat urefrys, be znlor gur znqzra jvyy npghnyyl qb vg naq znxr vg gur ryringbe fubg (gubhtu vg znl or gevpxl gb svg va obgu punenpgref). Ohg lrnu, V qrsvavgryl guvax Traqb naq Nxntv, rfcrpvnyyl vs vg fubjf gur Rin cebgbglcr oruvaq gurz (V pna'g erzrzore vs gung'f gur fnzr be qvssrerag fubg).


V zrnag jura Erv vf pnyyvat Nxntv na byq unt jvgu n fzvyr unun ovg lrnu, gur cebgbglcr vf nabgure fprar V'z cerggl fher? ohg vg pbhyq or gbb, be gur fubg bs Arei ud orvat ohvyg..uzzz znlor gung fprar bs shlhhgfxv, lhv naq onol fuvawv ng gur ynxr...be gur cvpgher bs traqb, lhv naq shlhgfxv...fb znal gb cvpx ybby Ohg lrnu arkg bar jvyy or Nfhxn sbe fher, V srry znlor yvggyr nfhxn ng ure zbz'f shareny. (naq frr hf orvat jebat naq abg orvat nfhxn ng nyy yby)


Unun, V pbhyq nyfb frr gur Nfhxn rc guhzoanvy orvat bar bs gur fubgf sebz Havg-00 hfvat gur Fcrne bs Ybatvahf. V guvax ur jvyy trg irel rkpvgrq jura gung'f ubj gur natry vf qrsrngrq. Gubhtu lrf, tehzcl yvggyr Nfhxn va gur shareny bhgsvg pbhyq or n pbagraqre, un. V pna'g rira ortva gb guvax jung ur jvyy qb sbe gur Raq bs Rin ernpgvba, gubhtu! Jvyq gung jr'er npghnyyl trggvat n svyz ernpgvba sebz Svyzohss.


Unun vzntvar cbbe nfhxn, rira va ure sbphfrq rcvfbqr ybfrf gb erv sbe gur guhzoanvy yby V xabj vf rkpvgvat, V guvax rira ur qbrfa’g xabj ubj vg jvyy tb, va guhzoanvy V nffhzr gur vpbavp erv/yvyvgu fprar be nal qhevat gur guveq vzcnpg ohg cebonoyl gur uneqrfg gb cvpx


V guvax gung va rcvfbqr 21 gur guhzoanvy jvyy or gur vzntr bs Traqbh jvgu gur funqbj bs n pebff oruvaq uvz.