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Not even much to say Capaldi is just so great here. The speeches in this show from any doctor are some of my favorite parts of this show, but this takes it to another level I do not like part 1 but I think it is needed to get this episode and that scene so my feeling about it are wierd also, are you still having technical issues, or has Doctor Who moved to Fridays now?

Dominic D

Indeed indeed, funnily enough 12 is my Doctor even though I had seen every episode before him prior to his tenure. But he his mine not because he was my beginning but my culmination. I watched all of Doctor who between the airing of the Day of the Doctor and Deep Breath, (with a detour to watch the live airing of Time of the Doctor) so Capaldi was the first I watched live and represented the end of a massive journey I undertook in 2013-14 while I was freshman in high school. Such an excellent terminus to a fantastic adventure in space and time. Currently I’ve been on my second run through but this time including all expanded media Year by year, right now I’m in 1986 during the Sixth Doctor’s tenure and listening to an audiobook of a third doctor novelization. There is nothing quite like Doctor Who.


"one of the greatest moments in dw history".....yeah possibly , but put a pin in that for now lol because, whoo whee capaldi is just warming up

tom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-21 09:49:21 Ahhhhh I need to catch up I need to catch up. Look, I was able to do it with Evangelion so I should be able to do it with this. As an unabashed die-hard Capaldi/Twelve fan, I'm sure people understand the reaction I want to be here for when it drops.
2023-08-20 12:08:04


it's what my above comment is about lol actually looking forward to that whole trilogy, but, yeah, *that* one the most!


Whew. I have begun to catch up with my reactions (8x13 onwards) and mini-reviews (8x4 onwards). Starting with Listen because I had planned to say a lot for that one and consequently ended up saying nothing. I don't think I'll have a comment for every episode but I hope to catch up on these reactions to make it to a certain episode live. What a time we're in with Im being in peak Doctor Who AND peak Evangelion! Now I just gotta get around to watching S2 of Vinland Saga so I can join in there...


I don't have much to say about the speech that you haven't already said. Granted, I couldn't help myself and had to watch the discussion/review before I was caught up with the reactions (I believe I hadn't even watched the Christmas special yet, let alone delved into S9). So I was probably pre-conditioned to focus on the parts you had mentioned and not organically take in the whole thing then come up with my own observations. (Oh, forgot to mention but for the record's sake I did indeed watch full length for this one, but went with edited reaction for the first part) First, some random moments from other parts of the episode • Callbacks/carryovers from Season 8 Clara in the Clara-to-Clara talk scene: "I am a brilliant liar" and threats / calling bluff all tie into that. Though, the pulse lie detector is unrealistic and silly. And even a fully functioning Polygraph test isn't a true lie detector. • I like the "Normalize" command for Zygons "unmasking" themselves. • "Human or Zygon?" "Osgood"/"Me" // "Ashildr" "Me". Theme of self-actualization throughout the series, it seems. I like this thematic consistency from Season 8 with Capaldi's era. • The "How did you survive" to Kate, into the dramatic zoom-in on her face, into the reveal that... she was armed and just shot the Zygon... It always makes me sigh a little. Like, did we need the flashback, and was the answer that necessary, let alone the question itself? • "I let Clara Oswald get in my head" is accurate. If I recall correctly, both Ten and Eleven are actually about to assist The War Doctor / John Hurt with activating The Moment. The whole thing was "If you have to do it, at least you won't be alone". Clara is the one that stops them and tearfully begs Eleven to find a way. • "You have a disadvantage. I know that face" is such an endearing and weirdly satisfying moment. I also enjoy Clara's presence/role in the whole scene, as minor as it is, such as her reaction when The Doctor talks about how he's experienced war. You can really feel the depth of their bond. • The smile. You chose perfectly for the thumbnail. What a cathartic release of tension and emotion. Criticisms of this episode: • The "Browsing history" joke. I feel like with each new showrunner, Modern Doctor Who became increasingly boomerish in its humor, with Moffat being a bit worse than RTD and Chibnall being even worse than Moffat. • I really don't like how The Doctor keeps calling Bonnie "Zygella". The writing doesn't take it as seriously as it should. The Doctor is essentially denying her identity and it almost feels like a slur, lmao. • The Osgood answer is relatively straightforward and the mystery nullified, because of another Zygon being added to the pair at the end. For the Human-Zygon synchronicity to work, both logically and thematically the Osgood that Missy killed would have to be the Zygon clone. Because otherwise at the end you have two Zygons. I don't think it's a big deal, but a little gap that the writer/s probably didn't think about. I also forgot to mention in the last episode that I hate how they felt the need to give the Zygons lightning powers to make them more physically dangerous. I feel the same about The Silence, though it's at least effective when introduced there. Granted, in Classic Who a lot is left up to the imagination, and it feels like characters die from the monsters walking up to them, with them screaming then it cutting to their body as the monster walks away. The cause of death isn't usually shown, both because of violence standards/ratings and visual limitations. So when you translate that over to a more realistic media context with a landscape that demands visible stakes and has overall higher storytelling standards for this medium... Yeah, I understand why they felt the need to add an element of fatality to the Zygons. That all being said, I do like the electric fuzzballs that get left behind when a human's zapped. But the electricity really feels so random. For some reason, I have like five different AOT moments I was reminded. I've had it on the brain recently with Eva and the comparisons, I suppose. And despite both this episode and AOT being war stories, it doesn't have to do with those, but rather small moments. - As I mentioned, that smile. It reminded me vaguely of AOT, and then I realized there's three whole moments like that. First, Levi's first smile, at the end of the Royal Government arc (S3A, "Friend"). Then, I realized it's also like Levi remembering Erwin's smile and "Thank you" right before his decision, in "Midnight Sun". But also, and a lot more visually with the angle, Mikasa's smile as she talks to Eren in that field surrounded by titans, in that iconic S2 finale. - I also was reminded of a Levi line in "Midnight Sun". When he talks about everyone screaming like children, just like Twelve in this episode. - And finally, when The Doctor talks about the world Bonnie will create, specifically with music, violins, and who will make it for them. The way he taunts her with all her newfound responsibility reminds me of Erwin in Stohess at the end of S1. The way he overwhelms Nile with information on what to do after arresting him is truly the definition of malicious compliance. [SPOILER BELOW FOR END OF S9] V'ir erjngpurq Uryy Orag fb znal gvzrf gung vg jnfa'g hagvy zl erjngpu orsber guvf bar gung V ernyvmrq gur chyfr/urnegorng zbgvs vf npghnyyl vagebqhprq urer. Vg orpbzrf irel vzcbegnag, fb vagrerfgvat gb frr. Nyfb, V yvxr gur fvatyr "Uryy" qvnybthr ercrngvat. V artyrpgrq gb zragvba vg va va "Gur Jbzna Jub Yvirq", ohg Zr fnlf gung gbb va ersrerapr gb jung vg jnf yvxr gb ybfr gur crbcyr fur ybirf. Na vagrerfgvat ovg bs qvnybthr sberfunqbjvat sbe gur gvgyr naq gurzr (V xabj vg'f n pbagebirefvny rcvfbqr, ubjrire) bs Uryy Orag.