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I think you’ve already answered this before, but I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. How are you watching Monster? I’m just curious because I notice a lot of differences in the OSTs used (not a bad thing). I watched it on Netflix.


This episode was intense I was so scared for Dieter. Hartman really is a terrible creep, But now I fear what will happen now with him, will he try to say Tenma kidnapped Dieter, will he just let it go? I'm just so happy Dieter went to Tenma and is safe now.


Also some odd subtitle errors. Aside from that tho I do prefer the dialogue in this version


I had the DVD box set, it's a difficult set to come by, but unfortunately it was bit rough. So I acquired another version of the DVD online, I am not entirely sure if the subs can be considered official subs though.


When it comes to the OST Im is watching the original. I’m not entirely sure why the Netflix version has different music but it definitely caused me to stop rewatching it on there. There’s some bizarre choices that the Netflix version does with change of OST in particular scenes. Every version of Monster has some form of issues, whether that be quality/clarity of the animation, the subtitles etc. I’d say Im is watching the better version out there.


That’s actually good to hear. Gives me another reason to do a rewatch!