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Hello everyone, so I’m waiting to hear again from my Vimeo Rep, she did not respond over the weekend. I have a decent relationship with them through my rep, so I don’t expect anything too egregious, should be manageable. For those who don’t know, in addition to not being able to upload, My entire Vimeo library has been locked from their end until this is resolved.

I apologize for this delay, unfortunately it’s something I could not control.

Hopefully this gets resolved in the next few days and I can still mass drop all the scheduled releases for you guys.

Perhaps I’ll explore other options in the near future, but Vimeo has been the option that has been quite effective for my workflow.

For the newer Patrons who might not know, I do not use YouTube for Patreon content, I haven’t in a long time. There are some limitations and those links are quite easily shared with anyone.

I appreciate your patience, thank you.



Ever thought about something like streamable, the one that BW uses?


Streamable is the second most common one I see used after Vimeo, so it would be a solid backup option. There’s also the Patreon video player itself, but the video quality of that one can be janky at times so it might be hard to read subs


Not your fault Filmbuff! Seems very slimy to lock your account during this though since you've still paid for your month of vimeo service.


Looking forward to Vinland Saga getting back on track!


Thanks, super excited for the coming eva and vinland episodes!!


the timing with the fmab finale and start of monster smh, but is okay, hopefully it will be resolved in a good way for you and well, excited for the content dump that may happen then lol


I hope this works out. Considering the way you do your full and edited reactions I can't see them having any problems with the content you're uploading, so I guess we just have to wait. Very excited for the future content. We're getting into my favorite stuff with Evangelion and Doctor Who, and I can't wait for you to dive into Monster

Dean Cyphers

I guess I’ll just finish the rest of FMAB on YouTube since it’s going to bleed into May and force another month of payment. Hope you get it fixed soon.


If this doesn’t get resolved before the week is out, and goes into May, I will pause the charge cycle for May. Everyone that is a patron at the moment would be able stay on without a charge. My priority is to make sure that April Patrons get the April Patreon content, even if it’s in May. Beyond that, I would have to think about what I would do for the rest of May, a break is possible till June 1st.

Dean Cyphers

I appreciate your efforts Im. You got a lot on your plate so hope it goes smoothly. Thanks for the response


i hope it doesn't take that long, not just for the content, but it does affect you. Is scummy from Vimeo to lock everything one day because they decided they want to ask more money out of you. maybe they should send an email like a week before so you can deal with things without affecting your work


Thank you, Im, for always being so considerate of our money and time (because time is precious!) and always trying to do right by us. I did try to do some catch up on Vinland and NGE and did notice that your videos were locked on Vimeo. I really hope it all gets sorted out as I'm really keen to catch up on everything (including DW) and am super keen for Monster.


Wow Vimeo sucks for this. Honestly at this point I would suggest switching to a different video platform temporarily, that way the April stuff won’t have to be carried over into May because you’ll be able to post the new reactions. If you’re concerned about links being shared you can just use the Patreon video player, that way no one would be able to access it but patrons. And you can always go back to using Vimeo once they unlock everything, if that’s something you’d prefer to do.


If you are not going to charge for your content next month in case you don't get this problem fixed this month, wouldn't you lose less money if you just shared a Google drive link? I guess it could be easily shared.. but still...


The way you respect your patrons and what they're paying for is unmatched, your integrity shows