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Hello everyone, wanted to provide a few updates.

I’m not able to upload to Vimeo at the moment, they want to discuss new terms based on my usage. I’m going to try and get this resolved as soon as I can. This happens with Vimeo from time to time, they try to renegotiate a more expensive custom membership to continue service.

I don’t expect this to spill into Monday, but it will delay the Doctor Who and FMAB vids a couple of days.

The first Monster video is moving up to the 26th, rather than the 25th. It think it’s better to separate the FMAB Finale and the Monster Premiere. No changes beyond that, the 2nd episode is two days later on Friday.

Thank you.


Sarah S

Excited to see Monster! I haven’t finished the show yet so now I have a good reason.


Can't wait for the Monster reactions and discussions!


That's my birthday! watching your first Monster reaction will be the best birthday gift ever. Hope everything goes well with Vimeo


You could upload it to YouTube and leave it unlisted/private.


I don’t think that would work with full opacity


Well there's always Dailymotion, Pixeldrain, etc. No shortage of video hosting websites, one of them surely has to be as lax as Vimeo on copyright.

Marcel Wannieck

There's also the option of hosting directly on Patreon itself. Patreon introduced their own native video player a couple of months ago and one other creator I support has been using it for his reactions without issues so far.


Is this why all the Vimeo links have become private now? It says I no longer have permission to play them, like the aot special, or am I doing something else wrong


Wasn't that the cause of some copyright strike issues on other channels? A strike on YouTube might lead to a worse scenario due to the risk of channel termination.


Monster as in the old anime from 2004?? What massive a coincidence, I just heard about it recently and was interested in starting it. Just watched ep1 earlier in the week. So glad you're starting it at the same time as me.


Why not uploading the full reactions on YT? It should not be any problems there. Or am I missing something?

Child of the forest

Excited to see your monster reactions. It's my favourite anime after AoT. Just to clarify, I remember you bought monster manga last year. So are you gonna check out both the anime and manga?


Good luck getting a decent deal! Also - I cannot speak for everyone here nor what you desire of course, but if they insist on unfavourable deals - I would personally be OK with 1080p quality on your videos or even a slightly lower bitrate if that is eating through your bandwidth. Good luck, regardless!


Hey, Im. I think you should watch this video from Linus Tech on 4K. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_oLsQfRfOc&t=817s&pp=ygUVbGludXMgaXMgNGsgd29ydGggaXQ_ It might help

got siedem

Oh. My subscription expires in May so this actually really sucks.


Don't worry, Everything that's scheduled to drop this month will still drop before the month is out, just a bit later then scheduled because of this hold up. We're looking at a bunch of videos dropping at the same time once this is resolved.