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thermal expansion..🤣this is definitely the goofiest eva episode, it's a bit of fun SOL though :)


ngl I’m not a fan of these subs, they just feel weird. Ik this is the version with the different ending songs but I’m confused about why something like that is more important to folks than actual dialogue. Oh well, it gets the message across and I guess that’s all that matters at the end of the day


I personally don't like the font, and from what I remember they do some extra effects at some point later on which is unnecessary. Plus like I said before he was even considering switching, that "Third Children" etc, may be bad english but it's literally what they're saying in the dialogue so to change it is kinda weird. But idk, I'm not informed enough to have a preference one way or the other


This episode might've single-handedly (no pun intended) created the inflation fetish (don't google that). This was always one of my least favorite NGE episodes, but I gotta say, the rewatch is pretty fun, and the banter between the caracters is really entertaining. Asuka is such a gamechanger to the dynamic of the cast, really refreshing.

石原 悟

Haha, good thing I'm not watching this show then. Practically every show with subs has something I disagree with. Can't be helped. Professional deformation is strong. When I'm not the only one taking time to comment on subs I know there's a ton of problems with them, and those things would drive me mad, forcing into writing essays on every episode lol


These are the most accurate subs to the original japanese, obviously there is still problems but there's no way of fixing that without just learning fluent japanese. The other subs that aren't part of the director's cut have censored content which ruins the story in my opinion. These subs are the versions used because it has the least censored actual dialogue combined with the few cut/censored scenes and correct ED versions.


石原 悟 in my opinion you should watch this show, regardless of any language barrier it is one of the finest works humanity has to offer. (as a whole i know this episode is a bad example)