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Who else knew this discussion section would be long?


I always lowkey hope for one lol, listening to Filmbuff discussions like they’re podcasts is honestly one of my favorite pastimes at this point 😂


I understand why some people might not be very impressed with the plot of this anime at first because tbh it’s not really a typical shonen setup. While there are immediate threats throughout the episodes, a lot of the major impact is a slow burn, and there is a lot of dialogue. It gets political and philosophical pretty early on too, and some people don’t really vibe with that. But as you’re seeing now, it all pays off extremely well in the end. I think it more than earns its title as highest rated anime. The characters, the soundtrack, the magic system, the designs, the overarching plot, the fights, the way it manages to balance light and dark moments so well… it really just does an amazing job at it all. And ofc, the dub being as good as it is certainly draws in a wider audience as well. But I think the final episodes are a major reason why it’s as highly regarded as it is. Arakawa really nails everything. Looking forward to the rest 👍


Hoheinheim's plan, the one that he put in motion before the series started, the reason why he had to leave his family, finally coming up and saving the people of Amestris and well making the dwarf not a ¨God ¨anymore is so satisfying and I also do love him seeing him being supported by his sons (even if Ed still is trying to put the hard front lol) Scar's story too showing how far he has come and sure the hate is still there but he still choses to help and choses to not give in into that hate anymore, is such a great character development, Wrath dying peacefully enough, him not wanting to have some last words towards his wife is interesting to me I also feel bad for pride, which is amazing because he really was the nastiest lol and he thinks of his family especially Mrs. Bradley the only one that truly loved him. The next 3 are some of my favorite episodes not only of this anime but in general so yeah I'm very excited for next week

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

It was also amazing seeing how insanely risky Hoheinheim’s plan was, he literally had to calculate the circumference of THE SHADOW OF THE FREAKING MOON in order for this plan to work, i get chills just thinking about it lol


Yeah, this episode is amazing. So many good scenes. The moment the baby starts crying, my heart melts every time and I feel like it is a callback to the beginning of FMAB where Ed, Al and Winry helped that pregnant woman to give birth to her child. Live begins there and it feels so beautiful to let the first sign of life in all of these "dead" amestries be a crying child. It is so beautiful and I feel like such the sound of a crying baby affects everyone. The whole wrath god scene was also really ironic, the moment he called out the god Scar did beat him with the help of his or some other god. It is up for interpretation but it works so incredibly well. I find it really interesting that it seems like some Sin's had more or less a true form of itself and I think that every sin has one and we only got to see very few of them in the show. I don't know why I want to believe that but it makes the sins more sympathetic to me that way. Envy in the form of the worm, being envious is ugly therefore his true form is very ugly. Pride truest form is a little child and what are prob the most prideful arrogant beings in all of us, the children. So I hope that every sin has one but Arakawa didn't think or wanted to put them in her work but I like to think that every sin has such a true form. I feel like that gives their arcs a really ironic touch, though their arcs and characters are already very ironic haha Arakawa did do some other works like Silver Spoon, the one you talked about but she also did The Heroic Legend of Arslan, which is like a new Adaptation of a old novel from another writer from the 80s. And last year she started another new manga called Daemons of the Shadow Realm which supposedly is really good, so maybe we can get a anime in the future. You could put them all on your radar but I don't think her other works will win any polls. They are much less popular


This discussion was amazing. Was fun to get excited about the episode with you. Also I noticed some symbolism that I missed the first time around!