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FMAB has some amazing episode titles, but this one has to be at the top. You really feel the magnitude of the situation just from those words alone. I love these final episodes, they are phenomenal

Kyra Sun

always liked that Edward faced off Pride alone, shows us he grew from the start of the series, it seems like he's no longer a prideful child and overcome one of the major parts of his deadly desires.


Incredible episode.


Man these last 14 episodes just hittin different. Love these episodes so much and Promised Day is easily one of my fav arcs ever. So goooood


Am I the only one who doesn't have the discussion


Na you’re cool you’re not the only one. He posted before the full length saying that the 61 is going to be delayed some hours. Likely the full length is easier to release then the edited/review one.


Stabbed through the gut, missing an eye, shot in the shoulder, coughing up blood on death's door and Bradley STILL would have killed Scar if not for literal divine intervention. What a monster.


Hey, Im, just wanted to let you know, please check the credits in the following episodes. :)

Jafeth Díaz

so excited for the discussion of this episode!

