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I'm so impressed by the cinematic style of this show. Super glad it was chosen for the channel, I'm not sure I would've ever checked it out on my own


Happy Shinji makes me happy...even judgy Shinji makes me happy because he's comfortable at last. Also is clear that thinking he is just work for Misato did hurt him. And it says something that is his friends that have to tell him, that Misato is comfortable around him and is because they are family now. I also find that when he opens his book and half is face is covered he resembles Gendo a lot haha. Another Misato heavy episode and is great, again seeing how she goes into professional mode so easily. But also seeing Ritsuko in action and how she and others at Nerv will do what they must to assure they are still the ones in control. And I do like that they show that is not just they can do what they want, there is a whole world still out there. It's so great how in depth you go and catch on things, a great discussion once again. Very excited for the next episode


Is it fair to assume we are not getting AOT this month?


Grrr first Doctor Who and now this show... Want to say so much but I'm behind on actually watching the full episodes! Good thing I have free time this week to catch up (this time for sure) Haven't watched reaction yet, but I really like this episode. From what I remember it's a pretty underrated one, though maybe people have come to appreciate it in recent years. It's most likely underrated because 1) There's no angel attack, 2) People might see it as "filler-y" due to the repetitive montage but I love it, (also the episode clearly has character and plot development!) and 3) It's sandwiched in between two iconic episodes, the last one with the Rei two-parter, and the next one which... Well I've been eager for a while to see what you think of Episode 8 in the context of how you see the show so far. Excited!


Yes, many of the Fly Me to the Moon versions are performed by the women who are cast in the show. Megumi Hayashibara (Rei's voice actress) being a singer herself performs in many of them. This episode's ending was performed by Youko Takahashi, who is the singer of the show's opening. Takeshi Honda's animation supervision next week *rubs hands together*


ROT-13 spoilers! Qvq nalbar ryfr trg RbR synfuonpxf jura vg fubjrq gur ebbz jvgu gur ovt bssvpr naq gur jbzna fgnaqvat arkg gb gur qrfx? Gung'f fhpu n zrzbenoyr zbzrag gb zr va gung svyz, fubjvat ubj nyy guvf punbf naq uryy naq fynhtugre vf tbvat ba gung vg srryf yvxr gur raq bs gur jbeyq lrg vg'f ohernhpengvp ohfvarff nf hfhny ba gur bgure fvqr bs gur jbeyq nf crbcyr gnyx bs AREI naq gur Rin sebz n zbarl cbvag bs ivrj. Va gung fprar vg unf gur fjvatvat craqhyhz, V erzrzore gung zhpu, ohg V arire ernyvmrq hagvy abj vg'f gur fnzr ebbz naq fnzr crbcyr nf va gur zbivr. Jvyq fghss. V ybir gur farnx crnxf jr trg va guvf frevrf bs ubj vasbezngvba naq pyrnenapr naq ohfvarff qrnyf jbex.


The weakest episode of NGE for me so far, though it has its charme cause it reminds me a lot of normal Mecha episodes from other animes due to its simplicity. The world building and character development aspect did make this episode worthwhile. Misato is my fav episode so I’m happy with that And here we are another anime with Germany in it…..as a german it’s so funny, cause at some point you’re just waiting for the moment where it gets mentioned in the anime/mangarealm haha


I mean many terms in this show already are German, like Nerv and Seele. I'm also German, so it's always funny when they use them 😃

Shiera Seastar

I feel like the German thing is not just limited to anime/manga but Japan in general which doesn't seem as beholden to the Anglosphere as some other countries. English still has a lot of influence but other European countries like France and Germany are right up there with it. Probably has to do with them not really being colonized by the British and being able to industrialize/modernize on their own terms during the Meiji Restoration in the 1800's, modelling different aspects of their constitution and government from different European countries as they saw fit rather than just Britain.

Shiera Seastar

Loved your journey through these 7 episodes so far, will be continuing my watch on Youtube as I am only able to pledge for one month right now (absolutely had to join for the first time for the beginning of Eva, Arcane was nice too) regardless, enjoyed my stay and am excited for the future! (TLOU 👀)

Roy Koopa

I completely disagree. I really love episodes that focus on the surrounding cast, like this one. And the episode world builds and hints at so much to come. I actually think this is a very strong episode.


If you love the implication on Japanese bureaucracy you should watch Shin Godzilla, on your own, which is also directed by Hideaki Anno, the maker of NGE. Even if you would never watch a Godzilla movie. It's more of a political satire, and I'd think right up your alley. Then you would see Anno's beautiful direction in actual live action.


Oh and here is info about Fly me. to the Moon of the last episodes and this one Episode 1 - Normal/Claire Episode 2 - Normal (Minus Strings)/Claire Episode 3 - Normal/Yoko Takahashi Episode 4 - Normal (Minus Strings) /Yoko Takahashi Episode 5 - Rei #5 Episode 6 - Rei #6 Episode 7 - 4 Beat/Yoko Takahashi


Also hyped for TLOU. Both the series and the game sequel if it's still to happen. Might even work out that he does the game after the HBO series which can serve as a refresher of the first game (though could also be confusing since there's differences)

Sarah S

Shin Godzilla is fucking amazing! It is so well directed and has such a cool take on the visuals and even sound design for a Godzilla movie. Absolute must-watch


I've been a Godzilla fan since I can think. But this movie was on a different level. It's just a live action Evangelion to me.