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Tasha Lem doesn't age, because is against ageing 😄


Fantastic reaction man really enjoy your post episode discussions too. Totally agree Matt Smith was a great choice to immediately replace Tennant and at this point it feels like the show is ready for a Capaldi-type doctor. In this episode, the relationship between the Doctor and Handles reminds me of Tom Hanks' character and Wilson the volleyball in Cast Away😅. Something I also like with hindsight is that the Doctor knew when he was regenerating from 10th to 11th that it would be his last body, although we the audience didn't know that at the time. That kind of works as to why it was so emotional and he checked in on all his companions as he thought it'd be his last chance to do that because he wouldnt get another regeneration. Also to be honest like you mentioned, if the Time Lords changed the future by giving him another regen cycle here that means the name of the doctor is changed and maybe Clara didn't go throughout his timeline like she did. I like that because it felt a bit too much for me, like she was too important and overpowered to his life. Of course they'd still remember it being time travellers and having lived that moment. Excited to see you check out Capaldi, series 8 has some bumpy moments, but he's a fantastic Doctor overall and one of the best.


The diversity of opinion is so fascinating. I feel like S8 is one of the most solid seasons. I definitely used to be of the "Capaldi is a great actor, but I wish he had better material to work with" crowd, as were a lot of people, but after those growing pains I feel like it's really the golden era for me personally. Though S9 I definitely fell in love with right away

I have no name

The 12th Doctor’s hair grows over time


Alright, just collecting my own thoughts here... I'm sorry XD. But hey, I waited until people were done talking under here so I don't clog up the comments too much... - Love the discussion starting with Clara. I appreciate that you don't overlook her even when the focus is entirely on the Doctor, and are keeping track of expectations for her character in the show. [[[ROT-13 Clara Spoilers: Jub gbyq uvz gung pynen vf gur ybatrfg ehaavat pbzcnavba? Ur'f tbaan vzzrqvngryl xabj gung gur frnfba rvtug svanyr vfa'g ure erny snerjryy abj...]]] - Yes, it's a wonderful celebration of Matt Smith. Particularly the fairy-tale aspect of his era. It fittingly culminates in this episode which fully embodies that vibe with the set pieces and imagery, revelling in the fairy-tale up until the end... and now it's time for something a little different. - Handles as a companion was a great topic. I'm always one for more diverse companions, by which I mean let's not even see human as a limitation, haha. There are those who love the young female from modern day earth template for a companion, and to an extent it works, but I would love if we got more experimentation like Classic Who. We had companions from the past, from the future, from different planets, and it's even more different in the extended material -- there's a talking penguin! Obviously keeping it grounded works better for the long term, but this is a show with very few restrictions and very steep potential so I wish more writers were willing to experiment and play with the formula. - I agree that the plot pieces actually tie together in a satisfying way. Yes, it could have been paced and structured better to be a truly satisfying reveal, but taking it out of how it plays out and just thinking conceptually it actually feels justified, surprisingly. The crack in time, Trenzalore, the question, the truth field, the name of the Doctor, and the Time Lords all connect in the plot in a way that I really admire. The situation revolving around a stalemate and the Doctor being stuck in an endless battle he can't leave, even leading him to walk alongside The Silence (you're right, the silhouette shot goes hard af, haha). And the town called Christmas, the time the Doctor stayed for Christmas... what a concept for the madman in a box who can never sit still. That being said, the feeling of an inescapable battle that the Doctor has no choice but to take part in to protect people did feel like it was executed better in the S1 finale [[[ROT-13 Capaldi Spoilers: Naq va Gur Qbpgbe Snyyf va frevrf gra, gbb]]], but the concept always appeals to me. There is something really cathartic at how Moffat made it make plot-sense for "Doctor Who" to be an in-universe extremely dangerous and important question. It's so simple, because if someone asked him that question he would answer with his name, and if he answered with his name the Gallifreyans would verify that this is the correct universe to come out of their frozen bubble. I may take a lot of issue with Steven Moffat's writing, but I'm really amazed by how his mind put all this together - For the episode as a whole, it's decent. I definitely am more of a fan of Day of the Doctor, and yeah I agree with you that its pacing could be better. There are some strangely derivative scenes/concepts. For instance, Tasha flying the Tardis when Clara is excited for who she thinks is the Doctor returning, only to find him dying. That's exactly like Rory and Amy in Let's Kill Hitler, just replace Tasha with River (who you also noted similarities to). Another one is Clara being left behind with the Doctor flying the Tardis away just like Nine did to Rose. I do really like how she holds on the second time and the Tardis protects her, though. The Tardis going from not liking her to protecting her in multiple episodes is very endearing. - "You know this actor you adore will give a final performance and then he's out" is a great way of putting it. It actually reminded me of a real treasure of a panel you can find on youtube with Jenna Coleman and Karen Gillan, called something like "Meet Eleven's companions", or just by searching up the actresses name with interview/panel. Maybe wait until after Clara's run is over to be safe, because I think it may have been filmed while she was still working with Capaldi so there could be spoilers. But if you get the chance to, definitely make a note of it for the future. They're both so charming and the differences in personality is very amusing, haha. Oh, I forgot why I brought it up. Since they were both there for Matt Smith's regeneration, they're talking about how his final scene went, and Karen Gillan recounts the jarringly methodical way he left the set to be replaced with Capaldi, describing it while bopping to "another bites the dust" XD. But yes, one more performance and they're gone, and you have to deal with the conflicting tonal whiplash that's usually present in a regeneration. In New Who especially that seems to be hard to avoid because they like giving the new actor a little scene at the end to show what they can do, as opposed to cutting to credits right after showing the new face like in Classic. - [[[ROT-13 (four eps into S8) Spoiler: "V pbhyq hfr n tbbqolr sbe gur cngreabfgre tnat" unununun, ur pbhyq abg frr gurz nal fbbare. Nyfb ur'f fgvyy tbvat gb frr Ryrira n pbhcyr bs gvzrf, tvira ur'f jngpuvat gur Nqiragher va Fcnpr naq Gvzr. V srry yvxr gur fprar va 8k1 npghnyyl jbexf ernyyl jryy naq gung vg qbrfa'g fgrc ba gur gbrf bs Pncnyqv gbb zhpu. Ohg uvz jngpuvat gur fcrpvny vf xvaqn onq gvzvat, fvapr gur cbvag bs gung zbzrag vf fubjvat jub gur pheerag Qbpgbe vf. Cbbe Gjryir, ur bayl trgf n srj rcvfbqrf naq Vz jvyy or uvg jvgu gur abfgnytvn ntnva.]]] - With the 13 regeneration thing, this is indeed from Classic Who. I'd imagine Moffat wasn't sure if he wanted to bring that into the New Who canon or not, so it wasn't set up beforehand, but then he decided it would create more stakes if Eleven was the final regeneration of the cycle. For me, I hadn't explored Classic Who enough to be like a classic fan, but I did know about the 13 regenerations. So this being brought up and addressed was exciting, since to me it was just an old piece of Doctor Who lore as a fun fact. I do remember thinking at one point that the show was on a timer and that the show would end after the thirteenth. And here we are, about to get the 14th almost a decade later :) - So the regeneration itself! I like it being on that tower and not in the Tardis. Though... it did end up being in the Tardis anyway hahaha. The explosion of energy is a bit dramatic, but it's somewhat justified with a new cycle of regeneration, so a big bang (heh) works. It's funny to think of the progression from Eccleston to Tennant to Smith and how each regeneration has to get more explosive and dangerous XD In that sense it's refreshing the way he 'snaps', as you called it, in the actual regeneration -- by the way the joke in the community is that he sneezed and regenerated haha. As a kid I found it weird and was a little cold to Capaldi, even though I was actually very excited to have an older man playing the Doctor, which in my mind was how it should be because of my Classic Who knowledge. Another thing is the regenerations were a little unique each time in Classic, as opposed to the golden Time Lord / regeneration energy which has become standard (and was, I've heard, originally present in Eccleston's because he absorbed the time vortex / Bad Wolf energy out of Rose, so his body was flushing it out hence the explosion of light as he healed). There are some wacky previous ones (for the DW fans, my personal favorite Classic one is Troughton's)