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Here's to Matt Smith!!

This Special was also in 23.98 FPS, rather than the usual 25 FPS. I included footage every 5 minutes to help with any syncing issues.


(No title)



Welp, better get my tissues ready for this one


There goes my doctor and my favorite regen scene, "I will not forget one line of this, not one day... I will always remember when the doctor was me" I love 12 so much but 11 will always be ,mine and I can never not cry during that last scene

Stephanie Reacts

Hi am new here, I guess we've to sync up our own copy?

Thomas Midena

Yep sync up own copy for full length reaction. Or there's the shorter edited early reaction :)

Stephanie Reacts

Oh kk thanks in other reactors patreon they had the footage in their full length, so syncing is new, atm am watching the 2 mine EPS and I have my laptop at my tv ready to play for the day of the doctor then this one :)

Linus Marjeta

I think, one thing you should start doing (if possible of course), is to have the episode completely blurred and without sound in a box, that way it's easier to sync whilst watching as one notices the scene-changes even when it's blurred, and you shouldn't get in trouble for uploading that. Amazing reaction though! My favourite doctor, gone, regenerated into my 2nd favourite, I hope you'll enjoy Capaldi as much as I did!

Carys Barnes

Flawed episode but great goodbye to Matt. On to my favourite doctor. I cannot wait.


this would be awesome. every 5 minutes is a good workaround, but more material (blurred and without sound, maybe even a halfscreen only?) would be perfect for synching. with the 5 minute material i always end up skipping / rewinding until it matches up again. the other method would be easy because you could either pause one or the other video until its synched again.


It´s so hard to keep in synch with these episodes :( Kinda destroys the fun to watch it having to guess if it is still synched up until the new footage comes on for a few seconds (barely enough time to adjust the material) just to guess for another 5 minutes. Will that be better for the upcoming season? I love your reactions but this is kind of a downer for me personally.


Usually it’s 25fps (which isn’t the North American standard, but I made sure to get those versions because the majority of my Doctor Who viewers are from Great Britain) These specials were the 23.98 FPS versions, so unfortunately some of the syncing issues came back. Series 8 will be back to 25 FPS.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-01 21:05:44 Yeah, i totally get that and as I´m using the German / EU version of the disc I know that I´m not the "target audience" when it comes to the source material. My main issue is the missing reference point to synch with for most of the video. Would blurred/muted full material as a visual key a possibility for the upcoming videos? I don´t have an issue with synching in the first place but it shouldn´t feel like "work" and be so hard to do. Please keep up your great work, you´re one of the first reaction guys that I´m willing to join a patreon for, really enjoyable content <3
2023-01-23 20:00:17 Yeah, i totally get that and as I´m using the German / EU version of the disc I know that I´m not the "target audience" when it comes to the source material. My main issue is the missing reference point to synch with for most of the video. Would blurred/muted full material as a visual key a possibility for the upcoming videos? I don´t have an issue with synching in the first place but it shouldn´t feel like "work" and be so hard to do. Please keep up your great work, you´re one of the first reaction guys that I´m willing to join a patreon for, really enjoyable content <3

Yeah, i totally get that and as I´m using the German / EU version of the disc I know that I´m not the "target audience" when it comes to the source material. My main issue is the missing reference point to synch with for most of the video. Would blurred/muted full material as a visual key a possibility for the upcoming videos? I don´t have an issue with synching in the first place but it shouldn´t feel like "work" and be so hard to do. Please keep up your great work, you´re one of the first reaction guys that I´m willing to join a patreon for, really enjoyable content <3


I believe the German/EU version is also 25FPS, but yep it would have the same issues with the 23.98 version I had for these specials. I will try some of these things if the different FPS issue comes up again with future specials. Thank you! 🙌🏼 really happy to hear that.


I don't know if this will work for you, but what I did is basically pause and unpause the episode every, I don't know, 15 seconds or so? The reaction would always end up behind so occasional pauses helped balance it out. Worked surprisingly well


This might work but is not less troublesome for my watching experience (and still not synched from the get go). The aim should be to not have to synch throughout the video, but 1 time at the beginning instead.