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I'M OUT BUT YEAAAAAAAA!! WE GOT SIR JOHN HURT! 😈 we going full hype mode


Letts gooo so excited for this run of episodes probably my favorite in the whole show


you have no idea how much that ending got memed when it first aired

I have no name

The end of the episode was spoiled for some fans because there was filming photos online with John Hurt a month before this episode aired

I have no name

Rain Gods was actually written by Neil Gaiman I don’t know why Steven Moffat is credited


Anything you got wrong or confused about is pretty much answered in the next few episodes so ill let you enjoy though, cant wait to see you reactions to them over the next few weeks -This episode does have its issues but the episode is so great in the other aspects that I think it covers it up a bit -The acting in this episode is some of my favorites -For classic who there is a lot but I know a lot of people will go back and watch some big top stories just hit and important ones, at least that is what I'm trying to do now


Before the Day comes the Night, but as you're including the extras here too, I'm sure you know what to watch ^^


Yeah, he mentioned them in the January update thing which I'm glad about easily my favorite short


Wouldn't Let's Kill Hitler be the reverse of Silence of the Library, where the Doctor knows everything about River but she doesn't know anything about him?


I had to look-up when this episode aired. It was 18th of May 2013. The 50th anniversary special which comes next aired on 23rd of November. Not so fun fact. The first episode of the show almost didn't air, because JFK was assassinated the previous day.


genuinely buzzing for next week, it's a shame you got spoiled by the poster but it won't ruin how ambitious the 50th is


I thought it did air, but viewership was abysmal because of said assassination. They had to re-air the serial because of it (though this is what I recall from the docudrama, so take it with a grain of salt)


I've been waiting for so long to see you experience this part of the story, I'm so excited!


Man, I've been rewatching this reaction almost daily (and some of my personal fave Doctor Who reactions from Im) in preparation for the 50th. Those last couple of minutes in the reaction portion where you can physically see Im's mind explode just gets me giddy. I can't wait! In terms of the episode itself overall, I remember not being the biggest fan of it (even though I was and still am I staunch defender of Series 7, this series is underrated af and Clara + Eleven is an s tier duo) but it's grown on me recently. Like you said, its the tone and characters that sell it, not really the plot itself. That being said, I really REALLY love the resolution/explanation for the Impossible Girl plotline. There were quite a few vocal fans who did not like Clara at ALL, calling her a manic pixie dream girl (like the Doctor is not one already), a 'mystery device' and saying she had no personality besides being 'quirky'. It was... frustrating, because well - that's not how Clara is, but that's how the Doctor saw her. And us as an audience are so used to the inverse (seeing the Doctor, the mystery, through the companion's POV) that Clara in 7B just seems to throw people off? It was kind of the entire point of this arc; the Doctor treating her as a mystery at first before he sees her as just "Clara" + Clara being an ordinary girl who did an extraordinary thing, said extraordinary thing just did time-wimey stuff too. Turned into a bit of a rant there but it's just a really interesting arc imo, and it's the kind of character study I love in Doctor Who. Matt Smith sells it super well, and so does Jenna Coleman. And Murray Gold.... what a legend! Looking forward to next reaction.