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Olivier my beloved 🥰


Man, Briggs introduces us some really cool characters. Buccaneer and Armstrong are some lovely pair Haha And the thing with the automail wasn’t only brought up from the man that transported Ed and Al but even shortly before that with the telephone call with Winry where the other one said, that they are going to die after finding out they went north. Without context you think he is making a joke but as a automail maker I think he knows exactly what he is talking about. Nothing important but a little detail I just noticed rewatching it with you


Animation Supervision – Ryousuke Sekiguchi https://i.imgur.com/bJhZCOb.jpg Triple-tone shading galore. There are some really nice corrections by him across the whole episode. Seemed to have his focus mostly on character close-ups. Detailed, jagged, and overall strong drawings. Key Animation – Akira Amemiya https://i.imgur.com/SkxoEdU.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/Fk81HS8.mp4 Character posing and drawings are exaggerated, loud, and angular. The movement has a snappy timing to it to match. This style of animation goes by “Kanada school,” and is named after one of the most influential Japanese animators to ever live; Yoshinori Kanada. Amemiya isn’t a regular and won’t show up again, but the production does have a regular who follows the same school of animation: Yoshimichi Kameda – whose name is so similar to Kanada’s that perhaps he’s a reincarnation of his. He was an animator on this episode as well, has been part of numerous episodes you’ve seen and will end up seeing. Kameda also uses a sumi-e ink brush to accentuate his drawings even further, which makes his work really recognizable. The Lust BBQ as an example: https://i.imgur.com/T8xcf81.jpg


Just out of curiosity where do you know which scene was done by whom?


Sakugabooru – https://www.sakugabooru.com/post It’s a booru dedicated to animation, mostly from anime. Via the website's search bar and tag system you can look up animators, anime, specific episodes, and different types of animation. It mainly exists to credit work to individuals and generally archive animation. It’s a valuable resource for animators to find specific reference and studying material. Some also use their own tags in their resumes, lol. For example, episode 19 of FMAB. https://www.sakugabooru.com/post?tags=source%3A*%2319+fullmetal_alchemist_brotherhood

A Toilet Duck

Mommy's here!!! *grabby hands*