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Hello everyone, Unfortunately there is quite a frustrating technical issue with the audio for the reaction portion of Series 7 Episode 6. It requires a lot of fixing up, but even then it's not going to be quite optimal. The SD card with the crisp Microphone audio is corrupt, so the audio from the camera has to be used, and it's not pretty with the surrounding fan noises it picks up from the external monitor.

I really apologize, but it will have to be delayed to Saturday, I hope it will be at least somewhat watchable, such a bummer. 

Thank you.



No worries!


Ah damn, that sucks. Hopefully you can find a fix for it. Have you considered captions in the case of audio issues? Not sure how viable they'd be for a discussion portion but for reactions, if it's just for your audio, it might work (especially if it's the edited-down reaction, a lot less time consuming that way).


That really sucks but I understand, luckily for me personally this is not my favorite episode but man that still sucks