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Since season 6 is the story of River Song whose life (personal time stream) is back to front with the Doctor’s, it seems appropriate that it should begin with a 2-parter and end with a 1-part finale. It feels rushed and disappointing because we have come to expect a 2-part conclusion at the end of every series, and the mind-boggling, convoluted time paradox leaves us thinking a 2-partner might have provided more clarity. I don't think so. The Doctor absolves River: “And you are forgiven, always and completely forgiven,” for her unwilling role in his “death.” We hear this a second time in a voice-over when time is set back on course. I believe this is what the Doctor told Melody Pond to tell River Song when he was dying in Let’s Kill Hitler. I think he whispered in Melody Pond’s ear, “Tell River Song she is forgiven, always forgiven.” Melody replied, touched by the Doctor’s compassion, “Well, I’m sure she knows,” as the truth of her own future identity begins to dawn on her. The Doctor’s forgiveness enables her to overcome her murderous programming. That’s my theory, anyway.


Definitely the weaker ending when compared to Season 5 but I always love seeing River Song. Great discussion. There are several little mini web episodes leading up to Season 7 that are fun little things to watch if you're interested in that - they are not deep in any way but are just fun little eps of the characters we love and their lives.


The fandom is split on this finale, but I've always really enjoyed it.


The "but how did he almost regenerate" point has always been one of those things to me that seems like a glaring plot hole, but then you think about it for a few seconds and it makes sense. It's extremely complex futuristic technology -- if it can shapeshift, timetravel, then surely mimicking regeneration is a tool it has in its arsenal.


The Silence's plan in this episode and season is somewhat convoluted and stinks of reverse engineering -- I like the Amy ganger stuff, and the Melody Pond stuff, but you're right that it makes no sense for them to want to put River in the suit other than wanting it to be poetic lol. And River being able to overpower the suit in the last minute even though the whole point was it's controlling her... yeah


I agree the Doctor stepping back into the shadows is a much-needed idea. In the Classic series (not that I'm an expert and have seen most of the episodes) the Doctor was a smaller scale hero. His enemies often didn't know who he was, but in New Who he's much more of a bigger heroic figure. Personally I prefer the former approach, with dashes of the latter (as long as it's not taken as far as him becoming space jesus like the S3 finale XD)

Aiden Soave Live

fun fact. when river says "time can be rewritten" and the doctor says "dont you dare" its the same thing that happened back when river died in the library with tennant. he offers to rewrite time and she also says to him "dont you dare"

Dzmitry Brui

Will we see a reaction to the rest of the House of the Dragon season?


Maybe the sheer improbability of an impossible astronaut rising from Lake Silencio contributed to making this a fixed point in Time. Maybe River Song needed to be in the impossible astronaut’s suit in order for someone to be held accountable for the Doctor’s death, reinforcing the requirements for a fixed point in Time. Maybe River was able to over-rule the murderous suit because that was an option in temporal flux. From the Doctor’s personal time stream it didn’t happen. But in River Song’s personal time stream, it did happen.