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On the Mels subject, she could have easily been incorporated and introduced in episode 1 of the series. A simple scene showing Amy and Rory locking the house, giving Mels the keys, before they set off to America.


The episode can be divisive among fans, but I always loved it. Who else but River Song can say she regenerated because she was *shot by Hitler*


the soundtrack building to river reviving the doctor is one of my favorite pieces in the series!! murray gold never ceases to amaze


I actually noticed a bit more the extent of the retcon in this episode, when rewatching Day of the Moon alongside your reaction. Amy talks about how her life was boring before Rory "dropped out of the sky". To me this completely contradicts the idea that Rory could have been a childhood friend, and I don't think Moffat had that in mind until writing this episode


Another thing I'm not a fan of is how casually River is aware of her own brainwashing. She even says herself that she's programmed for the purpose of killing the Doctor. The one aspect that cushions this a little for me is Mels' obsession with the doctor -- I think it makes sense for her to have this infatuation with this figure she knows she's supposed to kill and for that to play into her accepting her role -- but it's still very jarring to have her *know* that she was brainwashed and just accept it, no questions asked


Yeah, Moffat... sometimes writes with his penis instead of his head. You might notice that Amy this series is a lot less sexualized now that River has more emphasis on her, lol. It's definitely an aspect of his writing that I have to lean in favor of RTD for.

Thomas Midena

Really hated this episode the first time I saw it, but I've enjoyed it a little more on each rewatch, and now I find it perfectly tolerable :P