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Ready to dive in again!




Enjoy king

Will Watches

Weird seeing the Setup from this pov


Enjoy! I actually watched your Dark reactions on YouTube, but now watching the full lengths while you do your rewatch. Best Dark reaction and discussion/analysis out there by miles! Huge value…


You know shits real when filmbuff took out his notebook


Have a great second journey! It will definitely make your third season reaction even better :)


Im about to figure out the entire season 3 plot with his notebook rewatch


The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning!


Starting the S3 E1 discussion with a recap of any missed details in the show is a great idea, i'm looking forward to it


I think he always watches with this setup. We just don't get to see it


Are you rewatching before season 3?


There are some interesting German oriented details that may allude non-Germans. Seems like there's a whole other layer of information that maybe only Germans are privy to. For instance, a German poster directed us to a Winden sign on young Ulrich's wall. The ND was crossed out with a big black X. You'll need to look up Wixen in Google Translate, lol. I have a feeling I'm missing a lot more details simply because I don't know the language and colloquialisms.


Also the pills are shown in containers that are not used for prescribed medicine in Germany. One can assume that the directors did that on purpose to convey the message to an international audience without having to show the actual labels.