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Hello everyone, unfortunately there’s a bit of bad news. I am not able to upload to Vimeo at the moment.

They’re basically saying that my account was flagged for heavy bandwidth usage, and that they want to discuss a new plan with me. I am waiting to hear back from the Vimeo representative who emailed this morning. I had heard about Vimeo going around and doing this, a few of you even messaged me about it, but I didn’t think Think the amount I was uploading would warrant it. I remember hearing about massive channels like Blind Wave running into this problem, but they upload an insane amount of vids in comparison to me.

I did stop uploading 4K videos a while ago because of this reason. I suppose they still want to follow up from the 4K high bandwidth upload phase.

I only upload 1080p vids now, so I’ll have to bring that to their attention when they get back to me. And 4 less vids a week since the two series were put on hold. Either they okay it, or I have to upgrade to a new plan 😵 you would think the hefty business plan would have been enough eh. If it’s the only option, then I’ll upgrade, because Vimeo is crucial to what I’m doing here on Patreon with early access.

Hopefully this can get sorted by Monday, and I can get Dark 1x6 and Vinland Saga 1x11 up for you guys.

Thank you.



Not sure if you've looked into streamable, a lot of people have switched over because of the insane prices of Vimeo. Just an option I've seen people go with, obviously I don't know about the intricacies.


kinda weird from their side that they don't just limit the bandwith usage instead of flagging people


Did you try to uploading for Patreon early acces via Google Drive (as an alternative to Vimeo)? Edit: Or is there way too less storage space to Google drive for your whole library?


I think it’s about $$$ for them. It was brought to my attention that apparently Patreon is developing their own video sharing service as well, so maybe that is making Vimeo take this angle.


Whats the reason for not posting them to youtube unlisted? Especially the full length?


as other mentioned, Streamable seems to be a great choice. other streamers and reactor channels with patreon use it as well and 0 issues, good quality and they seem to be much more loose in copyright if anything really. finally, it fits well with the patreon UI, so it looks good. might want to try it.


your content is so ridiculously quality. They call you the king throughout So many different communities because your discussions are very special. I worry that people online are too demanding or rude to you about when your content comes out and forget that rushing usually degrades quality in all endeavors… just wanted to let you know that there are people out there who think about those things and are as patient as can be with no judgment because of how much you’ve given us with each video that you make. Take your time!


Do you mind sharing where you can find these communities that praise Im’s content please?