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Hello ✌🏼 I was wondering what everyone’s experience has been with them so far ? In terms of the sync up. My source is the blu-ray, has anyone experienced sync issues ?

It was brought to my attention that it was eventually going out of sync when paired with footage from Netflix or BBC iPlayer. Anyone else having this problem?

Thank you.



Convenient timing for you to post this question! XD I was just watching your Utopia full length and noticed your reaction wasn't quite syncing to what I was viewing. I'm watching on BBC iPlayer. I believe some sources play slightly abridged versions of the series. I'm not sure whether it's your blu-ray copy or the iPlayer version that's abridged. I know for a fact that the Netflix version (back when it was still available in the UK, that is) was abridged.


I've experienced issues with random streams I find online, likely because they slightly speed it up or slow it down to avoid copyright. I've always eventually found a stream that works perfectly though.


If it's a problem, maybe you could put a portion of the screen on the reaction? Just like you do with anime subtitles, so people find it easier to orientate. (just an idea)

Dennis Orman

I'm watching along with my own blu-ray copies, as you might imagine the sync is perfect for me. I think that whichever format you use, someone somewhere will have sync problems, I certainly do with some other reactors. I'm a bit confused as to how some reactors can get away with just showing the whole episode in their reactions without issues and some can't - is it a territory thing?


With my version by the end it generally runs out by 2 minutes; I occasionally pause and try sync up your reaction to the scene although it doesn't always work! hahaha


Maybe allowing some audio bleedthrough, distorted or quiet might help with the issue


So it sounds like the blu-ray version and the iPlayer/Netflix versions are not all the same. In the most recent Full Length, I let a 10 second clip play every 10 mins, perhaps that could assist in re-synching it.


Oh it’s certainly not a territory thing, they’re taking quite a risk by sharing complete episodes, it’s not really legal to do that. It’s essentially charging for and redistributing copyrighted material, could land you in big trouble if caught. I’m not here to judge any of those content creators, I did it as well a couple of years ago, but that was a different time for my channel, not as active and the Patreon campaign was small scale at the time. Decided to go the Timer based route upon my full return to YT, just the safer and smarter option in the long run.


What was your experience like with the most recent Full Length? It had a full 10 second clip kick in every 10 minutes of the episode.