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Update - Decided to hold off on it till after the season is finished (The projected 16 episode run for this part)

Hey everyone ✌🏼 just wanted to clarify that I haven’t actually checked out the handpicked manga panels yet. I plan on checking them out before I record episode four in a few days, and then have a section for that in the post episode discussion. I will post a link to the album for transparency, so people can see exactly what I get to see. Also, there will be a few that will be foaming at the mouth when they hear about me reading manga panels, you know the crowd 😆 so it was important to me that I keep this one time thing quite transparent.

These are handpicked and sent through a customized Imgur album, I didn’t look for it myself. It was specified to me that this is just a one time thing for Episode 3 and that it would not be done again for the reminder of the season.

As always, taking all precautions to stay spoiler free ✌🏼



Patreon comments seem to have spoilers too..


I'm confused as to what the manga panels are for? Just to admire the art from earlier points in the story or...?


Looking forward to your discussions as always. Keep up the good work!


I aLwAys sAiD fiLmBuFf iS a maNgaReaDer


Wait for the season to be finished to look at those panels please!


Well we can't be sure if this really is a one time thing, no one knows what Mappa might do with the rest of this season.. but let's hope so :)


It's too late to bring them back now, they wouldn't fit anywhere


I agree with this decision, as what was cut adds a lot more weight to the circumstances imo.


I kinda agree with those who think you should do that AFTER the final season. We may be few but still lol.

Muhd Zulhilmi

The panels that were cut does not affect the story in the grand scheme of things. But it adds SO MUCH more layers to the characters and story. And most of these are flashback stuff. People want Im to miss out on those ? I’m one to try to stay away from anything manga related here, but I’ll make an exception for this one.


Hard to tell if the manga parts they skipped in episode 3 will be adapted in later episodes or not (as a flash back or sum). Mappa likes to move things around. It's 50-50. You never know


i honestly don't like this but whatever


Seeing some of the cut manga stuff will definitely be enjoyable and I'm always in favor of show watchers reading it. I understand if some people want a pure critique of the show but I'm happy to trade that for a slightly more complete understanding of the characters/story.


Bless Sephizen, every anime only that's invested in Reiner's character needs to read the cut content imo

Vax Merstappen

Idk Every time I finish a season of Attack on Titan I read the Manga after it and I will do the same for this season too.


I like this idea because IMO the anime so far from the final season is a bit underwhelming compared to the manga. As long as the manga panels from the customized Imgur album are carefully selected and do not spoil you then I support this idea.


I don’t agree if you feel like you couldn’t assume well because info in anime wasn’t enough and gonna try to make up for it by the manga. I know you’re incredibly smart. You don’t need to show it. What I wanna see is your feeling, opinion and emotion not a phenomenal prediction. The outstanding part of AOT is letting audiences to show very personal emotion from theirs inside. Not a quiz to make a guess about episodes from now on. If there’s some obscurity when you watch, it’s ok to put it aside and just wait.


Update - Decided to hold off on it till after the season is finished (The projected 16 episode run for this part)


Saw some objections to it so it's probably best to just hold off on it until later to not be divisive. He will eventually check it out though, so everyone gets what they want in the end.


That's not it lol. This isn't him trying to prove how smart he is or anything like that. I don't get why some of you are so defensive about this, to an extent that he had to do this update. Why there's a problem with him checking out missing panels? To know the warriors backstory, to see their perspective, their hometown, the other side of the sea, is something he desperately wanted since season one. That's how badly he longed for this. And that's why it makes perfect sense for him being interested in those details omitted by MAPPA. He won't get any special or privileged info by any means, just some details for a deeper understanding of the characters, just this little bit of something he really looked for since the first season. And you're getting anyways his reaction only to what was shown in this episode. It really doesn't make any sense for you to be so defensive about this... Have a nice day


Update is unfortunate but up to you, I figured Sephizen only chose stuff that probably wouldn't ever come up again, just character depth stuff that would interest you since a lot was cut from Reiner's past to fit into an single episode. I know you live for that kind of stuff. I don't think it would effect the story going forward too much, just him as a character, but I guess enough people were against it.


First I'm hearing about this but this is honestly so awesome. The fact that you're willing to do this and you've got people that'll help with this makes me feel so reassured about the channel's quality! Tired of people that think defending MAPPA from valid and necessary criticism is some kind of virtue. Reminds me of the crowd that attacked Star Wars fans for calling out Rian Johnson.


Honestly, I was most saddened to see the update because Zem will just have his experience ruined with the anime season now. I enjoy his reactions, but I don't think he's just a content machine. He's not just there to make videos for us, he's someone that's following this series independent of the content as well. So sad that he won't get the best experience now. The anime has diverged from the manga in the past, most notably in the Uprising arc, but what MAPPA is doing is heartbreaking to watch.


I know some are disappointed by this choice, but as Sephizen mentioned, there were objections to this idea as well. So the the best plan of action is to just wait till the 16 episodes wrap up, and then check it out.

Sarah S

I thought this was still an amazing episode regardless of the cuts! I hope all the chat over the manga content hasn’t detracted at all from it. The series is just an adaptation and I think MAPPA did a great job. Can’t wait for discussion and it would be cool to get your thoughts on the extra content whenever you do get around to it!


That's the handicap of patreon. Since everyone here is actually paying and supporting the channel, you need to keep it cool for everyone... Anyways, can't wait for today's discussion!!

Rory Borcherding

@Sarah Stewart Completely agree. Adaptations are almost always slightly disappointing at first to hardcore fans of the original work. That's just the nature of adaptations and shouldn't be held against Mappa. Just look at all the gripe that the Harry Potter movies got from the book readers but they're still good movies that lots of people really like.


i just wanna apologize to the anime only lmao, the discussions within the reader/anime community is so toxic right now Manga readers, I get it, we are extremely excited and wish for this great guy to understand everything fully. But it's hiw own journey through the story, so let him enjoy it as he seems fit ! Special thks to the dude who created the several panels for him though ! Nice gesture !