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Video doesnt exists anymore :(


Damn thats early, love it.


Also, Sawano is still doing the music, but along side yamato


Please delete this comment. This info hasn't been mentioned in the anime yet.

Ivan Hundric

There is an end credit scene for Episode 4 just so you're aware to watch until the end.


He was told about that before he started recording season 4. He watches every episode until right before the 15 second preview appears regardless, so there's never any worries on that front.


I'm beginning to firmly believe that nobody reads the “Spoilers” posts. It hasn't even been a week and I've seen most of the various spoilers previously mentioned in this week's episode. Someone please tell Im not to read the comments for any reason! -.-


For those who unfortunately read the spoiler, it is really in the manga chapter corresponding to episode 2 of season 4. So at least it is something they left out for some reason, and not something we were supposed to watch episodes later. Ofc there’s still a possibility that they decided to leave that information for later episodes. So it’s kind of a “semi spoiler” in a sense.


I think he was notified! So far this season I've seen 1 spoiler in other reactors YouTube comments. I skim quickly to avoid spoilers and find regular comments. I mean who doesn't like to read comments after an amazing episode? The spoiler I saw was under a regular comment which made me so mad because I try to be careful. I don't understand people. Now no Youtube comments for me from now on.


"Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here." Looks like the video isn't available anymore, that's a pity. Edit: episodes 4x1 and 4x2 both have the same issue.