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Hello everyone ✌🏼 good time to post about my take on spoilers. Given that the Shingeki Early Access comment section has been a write off for two weeks running. Though this post doesn’t apply just to Shingeki, it can pretty much apply to all the content.

Of course there is the definitive spoiler, which is someone just spoiling something because that is their intention, that bit is pretty clear cut. I wanted to outline the other types of spoilers, the more subtle and perhaps even accidental ones, and those ones are not as definitive for everyone. There are certainly some cases where one person might think what they are posting simply can’t be a spoiler, but it could be a spoiler for another person. It comes down to a matter of preference.

These are some of the things I consider a spoiler

  • Hinting of any sort. Trust me, no matter how subtle you think you’re being, that hint will linger in my mind and it will eventually ruin scenes and major story revelations. Because once something like that is stuck in your mind, it will constantly come up and eventually fit into a scene, which will then ruin the scene ahead of time and cause a domino effect.
  • Specifying certain episodes as key moments. This usually happens through comments like “can’t wait for you to get to episode ___” that establishes expectation for something major, which then also pretty much changes the thought process on the episodes leading up to it.
  • Explaining or mentioning anything ahead of the story itself. This one is pretty straight forward.
  • Defending or speaking out against characters based on info you might have through source material, but Hasn’t been revealed to me yet.

I know a lot of you can understand where I’m coming from. I’m sure that like myself, many of you have also been consuming storytelling in all forms for most of your life, and can understand the picky nature of this post.

Once again, a lot of this comes down to preference. I’m sure there are other content creators who don’t care as much about hinting and info, and I’m sure there are others who are just like me in that regard.

Thank you ✌🏼



I'd honestly avoid anything you can't have moderated. Its a shame but so many things can ruin the experience. Especially for someone so analytical


Filmbuff we have the exact same definition of spoiler and it's always been frustrating to me to see comments like those on any reactor because you can tell the people making them are fans and really excited about the reactions but too often they don't understand that something that doesn't explicitly tell something but still alters expectations ahead of time can spoil things for people. You are my all time favorite SNK reactor as you really do seem to be one of the few who can emotionally connect with all sides, you are pretty much the only reactor that, like me, was sad when Bertholdt died and didn't laugh or cheer. Anyways, great post, so excited to see you react as the rest of this story unfolds. Keep up the amazing work!


Honestly nothing is more aggravating than the pseudo intellectuals who think they’re being sneaky alluding to things. NO ONE CARES. Keep the shit to yourself. He doesn’t even need to know when you think something cool happens in a specific episode


I actually posted pretty much that exact line; "can't wait for you to get to episode ____". Ended up deleting it and writing less abrasive comment, sorry if that was what was being referred to, it was not my intention to spoil, and believe me, I get where you're coming from lol I love watching your reactions, can't wait to see the rest of shingeki!

Sarah S

Also this one is dicey, but manga (or comic) only content that’s been cut from the TV adaptation kind of toe the line too, because in AOT for example sometimes scenes are rearranged and added later. TV is an adaptation of the source material and kind of a different entity. But sometimes the cuts are also just simple nice scenes or explanations where there just wasn’t enough time to add to the adaptation. I think people should hopefully just exercise common sense on these but that can be asking a lot 😂


The defending a character bit has always been an underrated but true form of spoiling that no one talks about. Comments should be ONLY about the episode that transpired and thoughts you had on the episode WHEN you first watched it. It's that simple. (Or of course talk about Filmbuff(im) and his reactions but I digress. It's sad that spoiler definitions have to be reiterated. It's common sense for anyone with any ounce of empathy.


I dunno if this post is describing me a bit. I hope it doesn’t. But if I have spoiled or done the things listed in my few interactions with you, then sorry 😣


Please close the comments everywhere, there's an organized horde of suckers spoiling even in patreon accounts, reddit pms, twitter pms, etc


I can relate to this 100%. I wanna watch the episodes with all possibilities available, even the episode being boring,something like "Oh this episode gonna be crazy" already upsets me and the amount of people that dont get it and say im overreacting is frustating. Hope u can avoid it!


Do as you think right


>"Defending or speaking out against characters based on info you might have through source material" This is probably the one I hate the most. Every time I check out some new reactors who just started watching S1, the comments are always filled with "how dare you say that about Jean!" "You'll soon come to like him trust me!" ... 🤦‍♂️ Same thing with S2 but with Reiner and Bertolt...


commenters really be like "if you like X Character you will hate episode X !!! "


I am with Im on this one. As much as I'd love to engage with other fans of a story, I really value being surprised and so I would rather wait until the end of something before reading discussions and comments. Thank you to Im who puts up these boundaries which result in really amazing reactions.


This needs to be posted on every reaction channel lmao It’s aggravating to see comments about all the things you mentioned from people that can’t control themselves. JUST BE QUIET!


Really don't get the hinters

Chris Poveroni

Seriously. But I'm not surprised he'd have one of the most thorough yet succinct takes on spoilers I've seen yet XD


Did you get spoiled anyway ? I hope no




People commenting anime only videos with Levi Ackerman or Zeke Yeager as usernames always triggers me even though I'm a manga reader.


it astounds me that people lose so much touch with their first viewing experience, that they think that their current hindsight perspective, is what someone elses first viewing perspective should be. otherwise they dont "get it", or need "clarification". Like can u just be patient and wait for them to get to that part of the story? Like damn


dw, from what I understand, he hasnt seen the comments bc sephizen warns him if theres any. I once accidently almost spoiled something in last of us bc i misunderstood what he said in the description that sounded similar to the ending and also couple with the fact that he had a backlog of some videos😬. Just said, "carry sequence" . Deleted it right away after i realized the context of what he said could have applied to thr current video he had uploaded tho. Kinda embarassing lol. hopefully he never saw it and got off scott free. Seemingly he didnt though 😆


fuck me bro... and the hardest thing is its impossible to explain to them that what theyre doing is spoilery and they just look at u as a overeactive schmuck and all the sudden youre the bad guy. Gave up homestly.

Sebastiano Barreca

Can’t wait for episode 1001 when they find the One Piece! Ah wait

Muhd Zulhilmi

I can never understand those who feel superior or smarter just because they read the source material. What exactly are they so proud of ? Knowing something in advance through reading ? That’s a pretty low bar to take pride upon something on.


Their brains should be studied for neuroscience, bound to be some crazy breakthroughs


Anime communities in general are toxic af, it's no news. I am a manga reader, the last few years, as SNK got more and more mainstream, the assholes arrived with it lmao, good luck not getting spoiled cuz it's a long way !


Its not about him doing anything. The post is directed at us


Makes perfect sense of course.