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It was recently brought to my attention that the “Left Behind” DLC covers some of Ellie’s backstory. So I’ll be playing that next, and then I plan on doing a wrap up video for the series after that.

I will not be moving on to TLOU Part II right after this. My plan was to always move on to another game and then come back to the Sequel at some point, want to let the experience of the first one to sit for a bit.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is another one I really want to play, so it’s possible that could be the next long term Playthrough. I do hope to get to a point where I can have two different gaming series going at the same time. Hopefully at some point in 2021.


Austin Yun

Lol it would take an actual eternity but I'd give $500 for FF14 Shadowbringers.

Austin Yun

Ooo how about Cave Story


Red Dead Redeption 2 is great, seeing you play that would be really cool


👀 thats my cue to go play the first rdr and start the second one. It just sucks i only have the ps5 (yea im flexing) rn and cant play the first one unless its on a shitty streaming service.


RDR2, possibly my fav game of all time - or a close 2nd.


RDR2 is definitely worth it. TLOU2 is... not something I would jump into. Left Behind is good though!


Tlou 2 its not for everyone, it has a very challenging narrative (very rare kind of complex narrative for a videogame), Regardless of that, it is an absolute masterpiece and frankly, its far more interesting than TLOU1, but yeah, not for everyone, but a masterpiece for others, like me