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Hello everyone, I'm about to post DW 2x13 Full Length and AoT 3x8/3x9 Full Length. It's not ideal at all to post these without posting AoT 3x7 and DW 2x12 edited versions but It's the 21st and it's ridiculous that I haven't posted anything yet. So rather than holding on to these full length reactions, I'm just going to post them, at least it's something. December has been a tricky month, trying to take care of a situation that has come up again, it's the same situation which took me away from YouTube the first time, I certainly don't want it to go down that road again. I will have the edited versions of AoT 3x7 and DW 2x12 done as soon as I can, I apologize for such a long delay, December has been frustrating.



Hey man take your time :) We understand


I’m fine waiting. Your videos are a treat. I don’t necessarily expect high frequency uploads considering YouTube isn’t a full-time thing for you.


Thank you for the update!


Don’t worry. Take your time ! Best to you ❤️


Oh shit! man i hope you are able to pull through!, Thanks for the QUALITY content and insight on shows everytime.

Mikkel Jensen

Take your time Im. All of us understand. And thank you for the update btw


We still love you Im, no worries. December in of itself is a busy month for all. Take your time.


Did I miss something? I clicked on my email notification of 3x9 but the link is gone now


Damn, I should've clicked on it before refreshing this page (I assume you mean the 3x9 full length reaction which just vanished, not 3x7).


Don’t sweat it man, Quality > Quantity


The link is still available for me on my phone. There's two posts that say AoT 3x8 but it's two different links. I just got done watching 3x9


I noticed that an email notification popped up during the screen capture 🤦🏻‍♂️😄 so I had to take it down and edit that out. I’ll the post the new link the moment it’s ready on Google Drive 👌🏼


Don't worry man. sure, we sometimes get a bit frustrated waiting, but that's just because your content is so good! So ultimately it doesn't matter how long it takes, because the wait will ALWAYS be worth it.


No worries man enjoy your holiday!


Thanks for dropping these, and enjoy the holiday! Hope that whatever is troubling you this month gets resolved! Well wishes, Im.


Hey it's all right man! In any case, happy holidays!